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  1. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from Gamer4125 in WCS1 TESTING RESULTS   
    Thanks, let us know when it happens so we can start populating the server again.
  2. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to Dyscivist in Vaginal Penetration   
  3. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from KGameLover1 in Being banned made me a better man   
  4. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from Deadpool in Being banned made me a better man   
    So he got banned for trolling that guy whose mother died, am I getting this correct?
  5. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from KGameLover1 in Being banned made me a better man   
    So he got banned for trolling that guy whose mother died, am I getting this correct?
  6. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from porknchili in Being banned made me a better man   
    blob to mlob to yoloswag420
    will it ever end? hope not because its getting funny, forever RO!
  7. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to Nitestalker in Being banned made me a better man   
    ITT: one mad kid, and a bunch of other kids pointing and laughing
  8. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from porknchili in Being banned made me a better man   
  9. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from porknchili in Being banned made me a better man   
    Thread's purpose is unknown, where's that attempting to give a fuck gif where I need it.
  10. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to Wintergreen in Being banned made me a better man   
    I tried to find it, but couldn't find the fucks to do so. Ironic no?
  11. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from CoverOps in Being banned made me a better man   
    So he got banned for trolling that guy whose mother died, am I getting this correct?
  12. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from HoeStomper in Being banned made me a better man   
    So he got banned for trolling that guy whose mother died, am I getting this correct?
  13. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from xmen in WCS1 TESTING RESULTS   
    Effectively, the server does not have a population.
    So whats the status?
  14. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from Illogical in Illogical   
    Oh, Illogical almost has the same birthday as me. In any case, happy birthday to you, lol.
  15. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from Ryziou in Who else is a romance type anime feg like me :3?   
    Does that mean us anime fgts are hard to find?
    Anywho, as for romance animes, long as they are funny as shit I'll watch them.
  16. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from Dojima in And... the servers are moving!   
    Now overclock it.
  17. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to fontaine in And... the servers are moving!   
    Just finishing up the process of moving over the game servers to the new sexy box . I'm booting up all the servers now. IPs are the same, so you shouldn't have to do anything differently. There may be some possible bugs with fastdl that we will iron out quickly, but other than that enjoy the faster servers! They are now all on a SSD and a much better CPU. Please report any problems you have here, or to me directly on Steam.
    Thanks for the patience everyone! And thanks again Jason for helping deal with the host and set up the box.
  18. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to Eek in Jumping into cacti is less painless than forseen   
  19. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to fontaine in New Servers are Coming!   
    Over the past few days, Jason, I, and some other staff members have decided it's time to upgrade our current hardware. We have picked out 2 new dedicated servers to replace our current box. Now here's some details:
    Our current box is a Dual Intel Xeon 5540 (2.53 GHz), 24 GB DDR3 RAM. This has 16 threads (cores) that we usually run a game server on each. Because of the way most srcds games are, we can only run them on 1 thread, so we are stuck to a maximum of 2.53 GHz/thread. Our new box that we will run most game servers on has an Intel Xeon E3-1270v2 (3.5GHz/core), 16GB DDR3 RAM, and a 128GB SSD for game server files. On this we have only 8 cores, but we really don't need any more than that. But look at the clock speed increase. From 2.53 GHz to 3.5GHz a core. That, along with a SSD, will greatly increase server performance. You should notice a TON less lag on our popular servers (TTT, ZE, JB, etc.). This will allow us to expand into more servers easier, as well as increase player caps on our current servers if we so choose.
    We are currently in the processing of preparing our new servers, as well as moving over game server files and setting up services. Hopefully within the next few days we will be able to move our current IP block over to the new server and thus completing the move and bringing faster game servers to you guys .
    Just be patient with us when we start transferring, as there may be some hiccups!
    Thanks Jason for putting together the server build and dealing with our host to get it all set up.
  20. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to Iherdcows in Funny little thing   
    I have no idea if this works on Firefox, but it does on Google Chrome
    go to the Main Page of sG
    Then right click, go to Inspect Elements.
    Then go to the Console Tab
    Copy and Paste this
    then Press enter
    javascript:(function(){function c(){var e=document.createElement("link");e.setAttribute("type","text/css");e.setAttribute("rel","stylesheet");e.setAttribute("href",f);e.setAttribute("class",l);document.body.appendChild(e)}function h(){var e=document.getElementsByClassName(l);for(var t=0;t<e.length;t++){document.body.removeChild(e[t])}}function p(){var e=document.createElement("div");e.setAttribute("class",a);document.body.appendChild(e);setTimeout(function(){document.body.removeChild(e)},100)}function d(e){return{height:e.offsetHeight,width:e.offsetWidth}}function v(i){var s=d(i);return s.height>e&&s.height<n&&s.width>t&&s.width<r}function m(e){var t=e;var n=0;while(!!t){n+=t.offsetTop;t=t.offsetParent}return n}function g(){var e=document.documentElement;if(!!window.innerWidth){return window.innerHeight}else if(e&&!isNaN(e.clientHeight)){return e.clientHeight}return 0}function y(){if(window.pageYOffset){return window.pageYOffset}return Math.max(document.documentElement.scrollTop,document.body.scrollTop)}function E(e){var t=m(e);return t>=w&&t<=b+w}function S(){var e=document.createElement("audio");e.setAttribute("class",l);e.src=i;e.loop=false;e.addEventListener("canplay",function(){setTimeout(function(){x(k)},500);setTimeout(function(){N();p();for(var e=0;e<O.length;e++){T(O[e])}},15500)},true);e.addEventListener("ended",function(){N();h()},true);e.innerHTML=" <p>If you are reading this, it is because your browser does not support the audio element. We recommend that you get a new browser.</p> <p>";document.body.appendChild(e);e.play()}function x(e){e.className+=" "+s+" "+o}function T(e){e.className+=" "+s+" "+u[Math.floor(Math.random()*u.length)]}function N(){var e=document.getElementsByClassName(s);var t=new RegExp("\\b"+s+"\\b");for(var n=0;n<e.length;){e[n].className=e[n].className.replace(t,"")}}var e=30;var t=30;var n=350;var r=350;var i="//s3.amazonaws.com/moovweb-marketing/playground/harlem-shake.mp3";var s="mw-harlem_shake_me";var o="im_first";var u=["im_drunk","im_baked","im_trippin","im_blown"];var a="mw-strobe_light";var f="//s3.amazonaws.com/moovweb-marketing/playground/harlem-shake-style.css";var l="mw_added_css";var b=g();var w=y();var C=document.getElementsByTagName("*");var k=null;for(var L=0;L<C.length;L++){var A=C[L];if(v(A)){if(E(A)){k=A;break}}}if(A===null){console.warn("Could not find a node of the right size. Please try a different page.");return}c();S();var O=[];for(var L=0;L<C.length;L++){var A=C[L];if(v(A)){O.push(A)}}})()
  21. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to fontaine in WCS Status 2/5/13   
    Hey I can Google.
  22. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to Yiyas in WCS Status 2/5/13   
    Never reset always fix.
    PS: sG can't google for shit.
  23. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from xmen in GOOD NEWS!   
  24. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from water.exe in GOOD NEWS!   
  25. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from Coldfuse in GOOD NEWS!   
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