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Reputation Activity

  1. Downvote (-1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from Goldentongue in Zimmerman Found Not Guilty   
    Stand Your Ground law
  2. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from MOFLSTOMP in Zimmerman Found Not Guilty   
    So its finally over? Can the news networks stop wasting time on it? Personally, given the time when I first hear about it, I was more interested in what was going on in Egypt.
  3. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from MOFLSTOMP in Zimmerman Found Not Guilty   
    Suez Canal. Think of what would happen to the world economy if that suddenly becomes impossible to use.
  4. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from Marine in Zimmerman Found Not Guilty   
    Stand Your Ground law
  5. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to Taboo in Hands   
  6. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to Fat Black Woman in Alltalk   
    i dont care if people talk during the rounds its just fucking annoying when people dont have the common courtesy to let people have their turn talking and in turn just try to shout over top of them 
  7. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to MiniDude22 in Just to Clarify.   
    For people who didn't actually read through the digest.
    WCS and WC3 are seperate, I'm still avidly working on WCS to bring it back to yall.
  8. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from Sandy in Whoring Script   
    First bullet: Too strict because not everyone wants to max all races and just wants to play.
    Second bullet: Could you define what is a common whoring class because in WCS this would change whenever something was added or changed. Ignore starter races because they were too strong in the first place.
    Third/Fourth/Fifth bullets: True but some people have off and on days for being good with the addition of who else is on the server. If no one else is on to challenge a skillful player they should destroy the server regardless. You also forgot, classes are only a factor to why someone is good.
    Last bullet: Not sure of what your argument is? Do you want or not want the script? Cause I can argue for and against it without a problem.
  9. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to Mimic in Forever gone WCS   
    I can make it if you want.
  10. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to Mimic in WC:GO Beta test TODAY!!! (5PM EST)   
    wc3.joinsg.net is now set up.
  11. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from Ryziou in WC:GO Beta test TODAY!!! (5PM EST)   
    Those colours, looks so funny on my skin lol.
  12. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to MrCoolness in WC:GO Beta test TODAY!!! (5PM EST)   
    WC:GO Public Beta Test!
    Brought to you by: Thorgot, Mimic, MrCoolness, Shadow & others
    Friday, July 5th @ 5:00 PM
    Server IP:
    Ends at our discretion
    Help us!
    All you have to do is play!! Play and enjoy this beta!!
    Want to help us more?
    While you're in game, if there's anything you notice that seems a bit off, whether its a bug or a really overpowered race, tell us about it!
    In game, type: "war3bug" followed by what's troubling you.
    war3bug Orc chain lightning doesn't work
    war3bug Human Alliance is too OP
  13. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from MrCoolness in WC:GO Beta test TODAY!!! (5PM EST)   
    Those colours, looks so funny on my skin lol.
  14. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to ElectronicDrug in San Antonio   
    I'm gonna give you a bowlcut for real you little faggot
  15. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to Arrkham in Woman builds Prosthetic Lego Leg   
  16. Downvote (-1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to Kim in Woman builds Prosthetic Lego Leg   
    It's a rough economy when you start doing this.
  17. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to MiniDude22 in Staff Changes - July 2nd, 2013   
    Gratz man. You deserve it!
    He's also the member who got me working on WCS again!
  18. Downvote (-1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from Anyncmuff in AK's here.   
    Which one is that?
    OT: Welcome to sG
  19. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to ChosenOne2000 in Borg Too Strong   
    Sleep study
  20. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from Coldfuse in Community Digest - July 1st, 2013   
    There you go.
  21. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to drunkula in Community Digest - July 1st, 2013   
    at least half of the people who ask me about joining sg are immediately put off by the 100 post requirement and don't even bother to try.  if a person simply fails to garner enough votes after applying with 25 posts because not enough members are familiar with them, we have at least given them a clear idea of what they need to do to pass the vote: either post more, or play in more servers.  if a recruit is known/liked well enough to pass with that few posts, then we simply gain a member we possibly would not otherwise have due to the higher posting requirements.
    what is worse than seeming snobbishly selective is reading the constant spam and subsequent complaining about said spam every time a new forum member joins and tries to cram 100 posts into the forum before the next recruitment period begins.
  22. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to Marvin in Community Digest - July 1st, 2013   

    Welcome! As promised we have decided to release digest more often to let the community (you guys) know what we as Staff have been up to. If you guys have any other areas you would like to know about in future digest that we have not talked about please let us know. As always if you guys have any request or suggestions please feel free to express your concerns in the Suggestion/idea forum. We need you guys as the community to voice your opinions for us to take action and shape sG according to those ideas and suggestions. Many things have been set in motion since the last digest, so please sit back and enjoy this monstrous digest.


    We have moved away from our old admin subscription system and into a new built-in IP.Nexus store system. When you purchase admin from the store, your admin will be added automatically! No more waiting on Marvin to add it. Be sure to follow the instructions in the package description with linking your steam account to your forum account. When your subscription expires, your admin will be automatically removed. Also, when purchasing a subscription through this store, you will receive an admin/supporter badge underneath your name in all your posts. For admins currently still subscribed using the previous method, it will be an easy switch. If your subscription is almost over for the month, simply cancel it and wait for it to expire. Then just start up another one through the store. If you don't want to wait, contact fontaine, Mimic, or Marvin and we can manually switch you over.

    Also, we have added the ability to purchase credits for the in-game store on many of our servers.

    If you experience any problems or have any questions, feel free to contact staff in the Private Messages to Staff forum.


    The community has spoken and made it known to Staff that you are curious about how sG is doing financially. We will try to include information about it consistently in this and future digest. We are doing good on the financial end of things. We are bringing in enough money each month to pay the bills. One thing we need to consider in the near future is server hardware upgrades. With the opening of several new servers, we will be pushing our box further than we have before. Hard drive space will be our first concern now that we have an active Minecraft server as well as the new WC3 server and WCS following soon after.
    We will be introducing donation goals in the near future so that you will know exactly where your donations are going. Things like server hardware or custom code will be some of the goals you will see.

    As always, our bread and butter has been our subscriptions. It's an excellent way to contribute to the community as our servers will always require admins to keep game play fun for everyone.

    As mentioned before we are using "Nexus". This is tied into both the forums and Paypal, and will automatically activate admins for our CSS and CSGO servers. Please remember that you will need to tie your Steam account with the forums for this automated process to work.

    In-Game Store

    Store was released for the past few months and has now made its way to Jailbreak! With the expansion the stores prices have been improved as well as the distribution of credits. Store is being improved very often and has many new categories and items within, so please check it out! This is now a more finalized version of Store with the possibility to purchase credit packages in the store section of the forum. The store will be released on the Surf server in the near future and work very similar to how it works on the other servers. If you have any suggestions or request for items for store please post them in the new Store Sticky!


    We had an amazing turnout for our June poker tournament with 39 people registered! Some quick stats were the poker tournament lasted 2 hours and 29 minutes, and the top knockouts were FifthBarrier (10), Spell (7), Ivanns (5), Drug (5). The bonus pocket aces winner was Drug who won Hydrophobia.

    Place and Prize Selection:1st Place: FifthBarrier-20$ Steam Game 2nd Place: Polloloco-25$ iTunes giftcard 3rd Place: Shadow- Assassins Creed 3 (donated to future tournaments) 4th Place: Titan- Borderlands 2 5th Place: Ivanns-Gmod (donated to future tournaments) 6th Place: Spell-Assassins Creed 2 deluxe edition (donated to future tournaments)

    Congratulations to all the winners and please come to our next tournament on July 13, 2013 it will be at 7 PM CST. Please refer to this community announcement for more information on this tournament it will be posted later this week. We hope to see you all there!

    Shadow and Chosen have been trying to decide if the community will be interested in doing a pay to enter tournament. We could do a 3$ or 5$ entry fee and give out cash prizes for first, second, and third place, while giving some of the money to sG. During the July 13th poker tournament we will be doing a survey, so please let us know what you think and if you would enter an entry fee tournament!

    Warcraft 3 - CSGO

    We would like to officially announce our Warcraft 3 server for CSGO. We have been developing it for the last few months, and have decided to have a live beta on Friday, July 5th at 4 PM CST (5PM Eastern, 2PM Pacific) for a few hours to test everything. We had a live staff beta test recently and identified a few issues and some areas that needed some polishing. We will being working hard to improve the server before the live public beta. During the live beta we ask you to report all bugs and issues using the war3bug tool. All you have to do is type in chat "war3bug" then the issue, be as specific as you can, so we can correctly identify the issue and fix it. After the live public beta we will decide when to officially launch the server. Please thank Thorgot, MrCoolness, Mimic, and Shadow for working on the server and making it a possibility to bring back Warcraft to the community.

    Some information about the War3 CSGO server:We have 32 races ready with more already in the works. Some you will recognize, and some are brand new. We've already gotten de_dolls ported (thanks, Hurfinator), expect more of the community's favorite CS:S maps to return as well. A lot of work has gone into it so that it's a completely unique server with features we're confident aren't on other CS:GO servers of any sort. Expect many classic favorites from WCS to reappear on this completely new CSGO server.

    Warcraft: Source - CSS

    We would like to announce a relaunch of Warcraft Source on Counter Strike: Source. Mini Dude has been hard at work with a few others to bring back our beloved WCS. The server is going to be one server combining Warcraft Source 1 and 2, with races from both the old servers, as well as plenty of new races. The server will be continued to be developed throughout the following weeks, but stay tuned because a live beta is coming very soon! Furthermore, the server has been rebuilt from scratch, so all the old problems with lagging are gone!

    Here is a sneak-peak of how the Zergling looks standing next to an normal height player!


    Jailbreak has had the addition of several exciting plugins:Store, with nade trails, nade skins, chat titles, (expensive) CT skins and weapon colors for sale. (Thanks to Shadow) The observe plugin: Type /observe playername into chat to observe someone and not have to click through every person. The addition of invisibility and ghost commands for admins to use on last requests. (Thanks to thorgot) The addition of speed commands for admins to use on last requests. (Thanks to thorgot) The addition of multi-grenade spawns for admins to use on last requests (Thanks to thorgot)


    After a long hiatus the Minecraft server returned last week! So far the server has had a steady population of around 5 players! Thanks to everyone for their patience as some small problems with the server configuration are resolved.

    There are a few Minecraft server events planned, watch for an announcement!


    Throughout its short history, cinema has been a server that has fluctuated up and down in server population. It started off very strong, but a Garry's Mod update that broke FastDL along with certain areas of the gamemode breaking have dramatically dropped the server population. All of these issues have been fixed and cinema currently has a couple of people on at any given time.

    I know we have promised these before, but we should have working slots and an updated map with a vip room in the near future with pool tables hopefully coming at a later date. Until then feel free to relax on cinema and watch some videos.

    Ranks and Recruitment Reform

    Donator 1:
    You have donated between $3.00-$49.99 to the community, THANKS! Access to the Donor Only forum

    Donator 2:
    You have donated at least $50-$99.99 Access to the Donor Only forum Access to the Syndicate_Transit Skin You get access to special post count pips. (work in progress)

    Donator 3:
    You have donated at least $100+ Access to the Donor Only forum Access to the Syndicate_Transit Skin You get access to special post count pips (work in progress) Ability to change your user title on forums

    ZE Event

    In celebration of the rise in popularity of the Zombie Escape server, sG Staff have decided to host an event in order to give back to a player base that has stepped up to the challenge of getting their server repopulated. In order to do this, we shall be hosting a raffle awarding playtime, points earned and even mini-achievements. For further info regarding the event, please check here.

    If you have further questions or concerns regarding the event, please feel free post in the main event thread.


    We are sad to announce that Lindseth has stepped down. Please thank Lindseth for all the time and work he has put into the community during his time as Staff. We would like to announce we have promoted MIni Dude to Engineer! He will be developing and up-keeping the new Warcraft: Source server! We have also updated the General Advisors to give them more specific assignments to play on their strengths.

    Joint Chiefs of Staff
    Mimic, Chairman of the JCS
    Marvin, Finances and Customer Service JCS
    Klark, Server Operations JCS

    Dastan, Clan Help Desk Manager
    Sketch, Server Officer Manager
    ZachPL, Garry's Mod Manager
    ChosenOne2000, Ranks/Recruitment Manager
    Centran, Technical Manager

    Will, TTT Advisor
    Someguy, Minecraft Advisor
    Shadow, CSGO/Public Relation/Event Advisor
    diabeticdaniel, Jailbreak Advisor
    Dark Predator, Ranks and Recruitment Advisor
    iAlwaysfail, Server Officer Advisor
    Iherdcows, Events Advisor
    Spell, Events Advisor
    ICop, Events Advisor
    fatboy, Risk Management Advisor

    ElectronicDrug, Server Management & System Development
    ctark, Server Management & System Development
    drunkula, Server Development/Management & Bunny Hop Engineer
    thorgot, Warcraft 3 Engineer & System Development/Management
    MrCoolness, Warcraft 3 Engineer
    Minidude, WCS Engineer

    Server Officer Application

    Hello everyone, with the recent staff changes, the new head of the Server Officer department is Sketch, with iAlwaysFail being the new Server Officer Advisor that will be working alongside Sketch. With this change, the Syndicate Gamers staff would like to say thank you to all of our SO's have who have recently left the team, your service was appreciated. We would also like to congratulate our new Officers - MasterChief, Turtlefrenzy, Puff, Tobi, Agrippa and Hotsauce! Welcome aboard.

     Server Officer Roster:
    Wind.exe - Eddy - Puff - Doctor Zed - Avery - JFK - Xlite - X-men - Turtlefrenzy
    bulletford - NomNoms - Dailey - Oreo - Sexy Batman - Special Brownies - Deadpool - Hotsauce
    Zombie Escape
    Skotti - Trucka - Masterchief
    Mini Games
    Tobi - Agrippa

    Now, as many of you fine individuals may have noticed, a couple of Server Officer positions have opened up. Due to this, SO applications are open for all sG members, whether you are a veteran member or fresh out of recruitment. However, even though all applications will be accepted, not all servers may receive new SOs. The requirements for the application are not strict, so even if you have not been an admin before does not mean that you will be auto-disqualified for SO, it just means you may be a step ahead of the paid admin or rank admin abusers. If you want to be considered, send your application to iAlwaysFail and don't forget to include Sketch in the PM, or else you have zero chance of becoming an SO. The template for the application can be found below, and PLEASE don't write in massive paragraphs. This isn't a paper for your English class.

    Make sure the PM subject to be: [sO APPLICATION] <YOUR USERNAME>
    Lastly, the staff would like to encourage all players to PM Sketch and/or iAlwaysFail when you think an SO is not performing up to par with the standards an SO should be. All input shall be taken serious, as the normal player is what keeps our servers alive.

    Thank you - Sketch, iAlwaysFail

    Ranks and Recruitment

    ChosenOne2000 and the rest of the staff would like to formally introduce DarkPredator as the new Ranks and Recruitment ADV. For years C12K has ran Ranks and Recruitment by himself. Finally, he is receiving the much needed help he deserves. DarkPredator will be instrumental in converting to the new R&R format. DarkPredator has produced valuable metrics, which will make tracking members and promotions as painless as possible for the staff and community. Please continue to support ChosenOne2000 and DarkPredator in their management of Ranks and Recruitment.

    Congratulations to our new members from May and June recruitment!

    sG | TurtleFrenzy
    sG | IntoxicatedDog
    sG | Hurffinater010
    sG | DogsGoMeow

    sG | Agrippa
    sG | Knox
    sG | Name
    sG | thinkTWICE
    sG | UltimateOreo
    sG | Velo
    sG | Evilhunter32 (Formerly water.exe)

    Also, congratulations to our promoted members!

    sG | Dyscivist [sE]
    sG | Falco [sE]
    sG | Goldentongue [sE]
    sG | Ivanns [sE]
    sG | LOPEZ [sE]
    sG | Tortoise [sE]
    sG | Tristan [sE]

    sG | Illogical [E]
    sG | Prosak [E]

    sG | Tobi [L3]

    sG | BLiNDBoi [L2]


    Thank you all for the donations! Everything helps!

    Flaky $3.00
    fontaine $5.00
    Ichalvl $5.00
    Goingpostal2000 $10.00
    Mr. Big Shot $10.00
    Skotti $10.00
    ROFL $10.50
    kevinbotz $20.00
    Mr. Big Shot $20.00
    itsPiero $30.00
    JWB10 $30.00
    Mimic $30.01
    BeauutifulChaos $50.00
    ctark $77.78
    Matty $150.00
  23. Downvote (-1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from Goldentongue in Community Digest - July 1st, 2013   
    There you go.
  24. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from Llethander in Anime basically the same as cartoons, discuss   
    To sum it up, you don't like anime and that is all that needs to be said.
  25. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from Goldentongue in Never gets old.   
    Didn't even register any humor, am I broken?
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