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Level 3
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    25.00 USD 
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  1. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to Prosak in What do you see as the biggest problem in JB?   
    That fact that its not War3
  2. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from MrCoolness in I'd like to apologize   
    At least we know we got content coming to the server. Better than not knowing.
  3. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to thorgot in I'd like to apologize   
    Same deal with me. I've wanted to work on the server but haven't had time the whole week.
  4. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to MrCoolness in I'd like to apologize   
    I know you've all been waiting for the new races and I'd like nothing more than to finish up and code them all but I've been bombarded with work for the past couple days. I should have some free time later this week but for now sit tight and enjoy the server.
  5. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from Jason in VIP Announcement and Final R&R Format   
    Nice coloring job chosen, can you make it harder to read? Seriously, use auto color for shit like this because I'm sure I'm not the only one who doesn't use the Subway theme.
    And now that we have a new rank for the people who care about stuff like that, congrats.
  6. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from Goldentongue in VIP Announcement and Final R&R Format   
    Nice coloring job chosen, can you make it harder to read? Seriously, use auto color for shit like this because I'm sure I'm not the only one who doesn't use the Subway theme.
    And now that we have a new rank for the people who care about stuff like that, congrats.
  7. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from drunkula in VIP Announcement and Final R&R Format   
    Nice coloring job chosen, can you make it harder to read? Seriously, use auto color for shit like this because I'm sure I'm not the only one who doesn't use the Subway theme.
    And now that we have a new rank for the people who care about stuff like that, congrats.
  8. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to edge in My final farewell to those of you in WC3   
    Sad to say but I can't play CS:GO anymore; I tried to get back into it during the beta test on the wc3 mod, but the game drops to many frames to frequently for it to be enjoyable. Anyone that I talked to leading up to the release of sG's WC3 server knows how siked I was to finally be playing the warcraft mod again on an sG server. So I bid you all adieu and good luck, I'ma miss all you guys that I once played WCS with for all those years!
    Also thanks to sG for providing the warcraft servers for so many years, had so many fun times, just thank you. Who knows, if sG ever makes a wcs server again I might come back, but until then see all you nerds later!
  9. Upvote (+1)
  10. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from Oreo in Auto-team balance   
    The old code didn't really work too great either, worked a little bit better, after a couple tries lol.
  11. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to Ben in Cheese with that wine?   
    who in the fuck are you people
  12. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to Marvin in Five Years   
    I realized today just how fast time can fly.
    A little over five years ago I started playing on Undead Vengeance's Zombie Mod server. So many great times have been had with so many people. I am very pleased that a few of those people are still around, even if we don't talk very much any more.
    In 2010 I was given the opportunity to help run this community and I dearly hope that during these past three years I have served well and to the best of my ability. Decisions I've made that have affected either one or many people have always been in the best interest of the community as a whole.
    I want to thank all of the members and regulars of this community, past and present, for everything you have given me over the years.
    Good times,
    Good laughs,
    Good friendship.
    I hope there are another five years in this amazing community and that we keep the good times coming.
  13. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to Shadow in Peace   
    Stepping down and all that jazz. 
    My goals were to revive the servers and to get rid of the shitbag staff members. 
    Mission accomplished. 
    All the servers are now successful compared to when I joined staff and JB was the only CSGO server working. Minigames since the introduction of MG/Deathrun is doing well. ZE is now top 10 in all of CSGO, Warcraft exploded and is doing great, WCS is in development, and Surf is increasing. Jailbreak is Jailbreak and everything I needed to do is done. Thanks to everyone who contributed especially the SOs who helped populate and regulate the servers. Also, thanks to all the engineers who decided to help me learn the useless skills of coding and server management especially, drunkula, you whiny little bitch.
    The staff you guys have currently are an awesome group of people. I'll be around to give fitness advice and to play games occasionally. Peace.
  14. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from Jiyeon in HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIYEON MOTHER FUCKER!~!!!   
    Damnit man, I'm older than you. Have a good one.
  15. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to Jason in Deals, Giveaways, Games - Round 5   
    fuck. wait. nvm i already bought 2 copies at 50% off
  16. Downvote (-1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from Freekiller #3 in Due to recent events..   
    So in summary, Freekiller is an annoyance on TS? I don't know the guy nor do I even have TS installed let alone been on the sG TS server. Shadow got annoyed enough to ban him from it for 24 hours and he then bitches about it on the forums and tries to make a big scene over it?
    Am I accurate? If so, I feel no sympathy towards Freekiller on this matter.
  17. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from Goldentongue in Due to recent events..   
    So in summary, Freekiller is an annoyance on TS? I don't know the guy nor do I even have TS installed let alone been on the sG TS server. Shadow got annoyed enough to ban him from it for 24 hours and he then bitches about it on the forums and tries to make a big scene over it?
    Am I accurate? If so, I feel no sympathy towards Freekiller on this matter.
  18. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from Shadow in Due to recent events..   
    So in summary, Freekiller is an annoyance on TS? I don't know the guy nor do I even have TS installed let alone been on the sG TS server. Shadow got annoyed enough to ban him from it for 24 hours and he then bitches about it on the forums and tries to make a big scene over it?
    Am I accurate? If so, I feel no sympathy towards Freekiller on this matter.
  19. Upvote (+1)
    Mitch is gone, as well.
  20. Upvote (+1)
  21. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to Jungle Fever in Awesome compilation video   

  22. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from sweetrock in Post your Job!   
    Washing cars for this summer (family business), and the year prior I had an internship as a html/css/programming dev.
  23. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to Jason in New Deals, New Thread - Giveaways round 2   
    I should probably point out that all the games I'm buying are just for SG to give away, so the more feedback I get the better the games will be.
    Same thing as last time, post games you like in the deals right now, the ones that most people like I'll buy. Pretty simple. End of these daily deals, I'll draw one post out of here and the winner gets a game they want.
    Also, gimmie rep D:
  24. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from MOFLSTOMP in Zimmerman Found Not Guilty   
    Suez Canal. Think of what would happen to the world economy if that suddenly becomes impossible to use.
  25. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from MOFLSTOMP in Zimmerman Found Not Guilty   
    So its finally over? Can the news networks stop wasting time on it? Personally, given the time when I first hear about it, I was more interested in what was going on in Egypt.
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