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  1. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from Coldfuse in Why doesnt HoeStomper have SO   
    SO > VIP
  2. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from Wintergreen in Why doesnt HoeStomper have SO   
    SO > VIP
  3. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from drunkula in petition to get a new host for gameservers   
    Didn't the last swap we did kill all our semi active servers? Shit, WCS1 felt it for a while there.
  4. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from MrCoolness in GPU for Next Gen Gaming   
    I haven't look at benchmarks in a while, my only problem with nvidia cards is that they tend to run hot and use a decent amount of power consumption. I don't know about the newer gen tech if that has changed any.
    When looking at benchmarks, don't ignore anything. In some way, it will matter in a comparison no matter how big or small it is.
  5. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to Taboo in HAPPY BIRTHDAY TABOO   
    tldr don't google image search hentai cake
  6. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from Taboo in HAPPY BIRTHDAY TABOO   
    Share your stash, its his birthday man.
  7. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to Oreo in petition to get a new host for gameservers   
    We killed all of our semi and our active servers when we swapped hosts. It was ironic because our goal was to create better servers but in return we were plagued with the death of minigames and a few others for a few months.
  8. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from Tristan. in petition to get a new host for gameservers   
    Didn't the last swap we did kill all our semi active servers? Shit, WCS1 felt it for a while there.
  9. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from water.exe in petition to get a new host for gameservers   
    Didn't the last swap we did kill all our semi active servers? Shit, WCS1 felt it for a while there.
  10. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from Wintergreen in Poll and Discusion over Linear Exp Progression vs. Curve Exp Progression   
    POLL IS PUBLIC: So you can see who voted for what. We friendly, right? lol
    DISCUSSION: What do you prefer in the exp progression? A curve system or linear system? Please explain why.
    I would of created this sooner but it doesn't matter, I know some of you don't mind it and others detest it heavily. I personally am not a fan of it but because I am only level to level 100 I don't mind it so much. However, going beyond barrier I might go on a rage frenzy. I know the formula to the current curve system and I will not publicly share it unless Thorgot/Coolness wishes it.
    The following statistics is rounded up and down, so it should be impossible to guess the formulas...
    Current Curve Progression EXP System:Requires about 75,000 exp to go from level 0 to 50 Requires about 400,000 exp to go from level 0 to 100 Requires about 1,100,000 exp to go from level 0 to 150 Requires about 2,250,000 exp to go from level 0 to 200 Requires about 3,975,000 exp to go from level 0 to 250 Wc3 Previous Linear Progression EXP System:Requires about 85,000 exp to go from level 0 to 50 Requires about 300,000 exp to go from level 0 to 100 Requires about 630,000 exp to go from level 0 to 150 Requires about 1,100,000 exp to go from level 0 to 200 Requires about 1,680,000 exp to go from level 0 to 250 WCS#1 Linear Progression EXP System:Requires about 95,000 exp to go from level 0 to 50 Requires about 380,000 exp to go from level 0 to 100 Requires about 850,000 exp to go from level 0 to 150 Requires about 1,500,000 exp to go from level 0 to 200 Requires about 2,350,000 exp to go from level 0 to 250  
    PS: Don't kill the messenger(me).
  11. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from B-cock #1 in Poll and Discusion over Linear Exp Progression vs. Curve Exp Progression   
    POLL IS PUBLIC: So you can see who voted for what. We friendly, right? lol
    DISCUSSION: What do you prefer in the exp progression? A curve system or linear system? Please explain why.
    I would of created this sooner but it doesn't matter, I know some of you don't mind it and others detest it heavily. I personally am not a fan of it but because I am only level to level 100 I don't mind it so much. However, going beyond barrier I might go on a rage frenzy. I know the formula to the current curve system and I will not publicly share it unless Thorgot/Coolness wishes it.
    The following statistics is rounded up and down, so it should be impossible to guess the formulas...
    Current Curve Progression EXP System:Requires about 75,000 exp to go from level 0 to 50 Requires about 400,000 exp to go from level 0 to 100 Requires about 1,100,000 exp to go from level 0 to 150 Requires about 2,250,000 exp to go from level 0 to 200 Requires about 3,975,000 exp to go from level 0 to 250 Wc3 Previous Linear Progression EXP System:Requires about 85,000 exp to go from level 0 to 50 Requires about 300,000 exp to go from level 0 to 100 Requires about 630,000 exp to go from level 0 to 150 Requires about 1,100,000 exp to go from level 0 to 200 Requires about 1,680,000 exp to go from level 0 to 250 WCS#1 Linear Progression EXP System:Requires about 95,000 exp to go from level 0 to 50 Requires about 380,000 exp to go from level 0 to 100 Requires about 850,000 exp to go from level 0 to 150 Requires about 1,500,000 exp to go from level 0 to 200 Requires about 2,350,000 exp to go from level 0 to 250  
    PS: Don't kill the messenger(me).
  12. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from Oreo in Poll and Discusion over Linear Exp Progression vs. Curve Exp Progression   
    Most races 'max' out around 20-30 levels, there is no level cap. Sort of required to unlock newer races and additionally it gives some people something to do. Especially, if they are the type to not  max out all the races. For example, leveling knife races, some people detest doing so and will avoid it. I used 250 levels so you can see the progression differences. So yeah, you should read it.
    edit: grammar error
  13. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to HCMikey in Team NoBlock and Slot Increase Discussion and Poll   
    This isn't about getting around 1 dude. I don't care how skillful you are, you are not getting out of t spawn on icewerk, or ct spawn on de_dust 2 in 1 or 2 seconds if you start all the way in the back. I'm not going to air strafe around everyone like a maniac to get out of spawn; it's unnecessary and it ruins the flow and the fast paced nature of the warcraft mod.
    Another common problem is tight spaces. Once again Icewerk is an example of this, for example, corridor to B bombsite. I see a nade chucked at me and what do I do? I turn left and teleport out of the doorway, oh wait, there is a dude blocking me, so on top of the teammate blocking me being screwed, I'm screwed as well. These are really common situations that frustrate players.
  14. Downvote (-1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to water.exe in Help please, weirdo after me   
    Really....... REALLYYY............ This is a direct PIP and I JUST DONT EVEN.......

  15. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to xmen in Team NoBlock and Slot Increase Discussion and Poll   
    lol kinda sad if you can't get around a guy in wcs
  16. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to turbulance in Team NoBlock and Slot Increase Discussion and Poll   
    No block has soo many better pros then cons in the general day in and day out of the game. People not getting stuck being the primary issue. Lets the maps with small spawns get flushed sooner and not let 1 afk player completely ruin everyone elses rush. In the evening time the server stays full and is super hard to get into. Increasing it to a 32 slot with 2 reserve I think would help boost the server some and help keep players flowing on and off.
  17. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to HCMikey in Team NoBlock and Slot Increase Discussion and Poll   
    All I remember from experience is that server 1 had team noblock off and server 2 had it on. I heard constant complains of people wanting team noblock on in server 1 , but on server 2, I NEVER heard a single player saying to turn off noblock.
    I want team noblock on because I know it will do more good than bad based on my experience with both types of Noblocks on wcs.
    The slots should remain the same, it reduces the load on the servers and it creates anticipation and population, which is never a bad thing. Plus it makes buying a reserved slot that much better.
  18. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to driz in Team NoBlock and Slot Increase Discussion and Poll   
    thanks for explaining; i've only recently started looking into the sourcemod code for races/plugins and it disgusts me (because i hate programming, no valid reasons) but that does explain things better for me. 
  19. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to splewis in Team NoBlock and Slot Increase Discussion and Poll   
    But how will I BOOST my teammates through the windows on militia?!?!
  20. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to Quayle in Team NoBlock and Slot Increase Discussion and Poll   
    I think we should just leave the server as it is, people should just deal with it. Hopefully no asshole team mates block on purpose but why mess with something that is working. If it's not broken, don't fix it.
  21. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to Master Chadron in Team NoBlock and Slot Increase Discussion and Poll   
    I seriously had a dream last night that the server had noblock. It was amazing.
  22. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to SneakyB in Team NoBlock and Slot Increase Discussion and Poll   
    I've been on a server where they had a temporary noblock at the beginning of the rounds for 10 seconds. At the end of the ten second noblock period people would "solidify" however instead of getting stuck into one another, you simply were pushed out of one another and unable to enter another teammate. Its a feasible idea, and would get rid of the entire issue with people getting stuck.
  23. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to Mimic in Team NoBlock and Slot Increase Discussion and Poll   
    The server was not crashing due to a lack of spawn positions, it was crashing due to random memory leaks and errors from the huge amount of plugins on the server. As you may or may not know, every race on the server is it's own plugin and a lot of buffs, engine hooks...etc have their own plugins. Due to this, War3 is MUCH slower and eats more resources than WCS. With this issue and with servers like Zombie Escape and Jailbreak eating up a lot of the processing power on half of our cores, means that it's unlikely that we would be able to create a second Warcraft 3 server without either optimizing or upgrading our server (as you suggested earlier). Unfortunately, we were planning on upgrading the CPU our gameserver box uses, but the cost of upgrading it was simply too high at the time (~$80/mo).
    The invisible gun glitch is caused by the excessive use of SMLib and SDKHooks. Regular SourceMod plugins do not cause this bug. Unfortunately we simply can't fix this bug on our own.
  24. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to driz in Team NoBlock and Slot Increase Discussion and Poll   
    for noblock in general, i always find it amusing when people complain that weapons aren't realistic enough in the game and then ask to run through other people...
    to your #2, im confused, if the crashing was due to lack of spawn positions, why were the first few rounds of a map fine with 32 but as we played progressively longer it got choppier until a restart was needed.?
    regardless, if we are using maps designed for a specific amount of maps, i agree on bringing back a second war3 server, although i would wait and see what what introducing a wcs server does to the current population before making a decision...   personally, my thought is to tweak the server as much as possible for the time being without introducing additional costs and wait for the inevitable wcs server to come online; things might just naturally balance themselves out? just my thoughts on it.. 
  25. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to xmen in Team NoBlock and Slot Increase Discussion and Poll   
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