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  1. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from UnknownLegend in Stepping down as official Teamspeak SO   
    Dunno but its your fault Josh.
  2. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from water.exe in This was a triumph   
    So, why are we disicussing fps/monitors? GTFO
    To be good at comp you need to hold 4:1 kd over 24 kills
  3. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from sweetrock in sG L4D2 Tournament   
    Heads up, regardless if I can get prizes or not. I will just pass them to another.
    Apparently, my near 1000 hours between l4d and l4d2 still holds merit against you guys. 
  4. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to thorgot in Warcraft 3 Changelog   
    Mimic and I have fixed the ad problem for the foreseeable future.
    If you're wondering what was happening, there's been an exploit in CSGO for a long time that people were using to upload an ad plugin to the server (and many other CS:GO servers in the world). We've added an extension which completely blocks this. We would never put ads or anything like that on our servers.
  5. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from Mr. Coconut :3 in How would you commit the perfect murder?   
    genocide is still murder
  6. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to Daft2thePunk in Stepping Down   
    I feel as if my time of being an SO should come to an end. I thank all staff that gave me this opportunity. Personally i feel like its just becoming more of a hassle i mean really? 
    Its frustrating on how i feel like i haven't been able to contribute to the jb community in a positive way, every time i log in if there is more than 10 players something is causing someone to cry and wine all day and all i see and hear are people attempting to loophole and be smart-asses.
    I am also starting a new job soon so i doubt i will have enough time to continue being an SO.
  7. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from AntyCrix in sG do a skin give away   
    I got a skin that no one can get lol.
  8. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to Marine in It's been good, sG.   
    I know I haven't been on the sG servers much for the last year or so, but I at least still talk to some of you on occasion. I'll be back in 4 months, after OSUT.
    Take care, peace.
  9. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from _kyle_ in sG do a skin give away   
    I got a skin that no one can get lol.
  10. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from Velo in Need Some Laptop Suggestions   
    Just adding this to the second page.
    Alright, my only problem with skotti's suggestion was the price
    I never heard anything bad from Acer, as for operating systems, reformatting isn't that hard. Good chance if I dislike the OS I might just reformat to one I like. Take a look at my options and tell me what you think instead of ranting over the old non existent celeron processors.
  11. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from Mimic in PLS WHY   
  12. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from water.exe in Should bash have a short cooldown?   
    Please do this, its something that makes sense in a way. If done I will allow glockness monster to be created. That race was retarded op for prema bashing a zombie.
    Lets go with a rule of time duration * 2 so cooldown protection, what you guys think about that?
    1 second = 2 seconds of cooldown after the bash duration
  13. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to MOFLSTOMP in ETA on my lovely pistol-whoring life-leech race?   
    Fuck you, I want it in WC3
  14. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to thorgot in ETA on my lovely pistol-whoring life-leech race?   
    This is what I thought this thread was going to be about, too.
  15. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from WeakSauce in I have to clear some things up.   
    I noticed that you were royaltwist when I checked your steamid on your app, however never knew you in the first place because you play jb. SO... same as before don't blame me if I don't vote at all, null voting tends to be best choice of action I can do when I don't know people at all.
  16. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from Ika in ETA on my lovely pistol-whoring life-leech race?   
    When we getting Remila Scarlet? (spelling?)
  17. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from Dylan in Attack on Titan   
    General sub plot: Humans are driven back into 50 meter tall walls to protect them from giants aka titans ranging from 5meters to 15 meters tall. That's all I'm going to give because it just better to watch it
  18. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to thorgot in Warcraft 3 Changelog   
    The XP curve was changed to be an actual curve. It is now easier to gain levels at first, and harder to gain them starting around level 40. In other words, getting to level 15-20 is much easier, maxing out races is a bit easier, and getting to level 100 (or higher) is much harder. This will make expertise more meaningful as we start to add some of those to give people to shoot for after maxing out races.
    Here's a picture:

    Shoot, I forgot to change "Chart Title".
  19. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to thorgot in Warcraft 3 Changelog   
    This is a thread where we can announce changes and additions. Not every little thing will be announced here, just things we think are interesting or important.
  20. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to thorgot in Warcraft 3 Changelog   
    Added Archimonde yesterday, added Jarmen Kell today. Fixed a bunch of bugs this weekend too.
  21. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to thorgot in Warcraft 3 Changelog   
    Added Sensei Golden-Tail, Fox Samurai.
    Fixed a bug where you couldn't buy grenades with a silenced weapon.
  22. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to xHoTsAuCex in Resignation   
    After careful thought I decided to step down my friends. I will always play and love sg servers work and new games are occupying my time so I will step down for now. Perhaps to return again at a later date. Hopefully you guys would have me back on the team some day. <3 Keep them servers clean bro's.
  23. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to Oreo in Hey Eddy   
  24. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi got a reaction from Coldfuse in Water.exeGate: The greatest conspiracy of our time.   
    Should I be concerned over a single vote? I mean, it was eddy's vote after all.
  25. Upvote (+1)
    BLiNDBoi reacted to Ika in sensei golden-tail   
    pls make necklace of immunity restricted on this dumb race. kthx
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