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Posts posted by Tobi

  1. There just aren't "god/s", plain and simple.

    How do you know this? what evidence do you have that supports this claim? There is no actual evidence that god/s do not exist.

    i didn't think it worked that way? i thought if you thought something was there you had to prove it, not have evidence disproving it. isn't that basically what science (in an oversimplified context) is? someone thinking something was one way, then they had to prove it to be considered fact

    Prove science is true, go


  2. Your to young to be worrying about a relationship mang, Just fuck bitches and get money. From now on you have college to worry about not pussy. Pussy comes easy, college doesn't.

    Edit: Just don't waste your life on something that's not needed in the point of time you are in.

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