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Posts posted by BoB!

  1. Name: BoB

    Steam ID: "BoB" STEAM_0:0:10848898 04:22 58 0 active

    Server: Warcraft #1

    First off i want to start that Ive been playing this server off and on for almost 2 1/2 years and have never been accused of hacking till now. I was banned by intention for an accusation of wall hacking. At the times i was accused of walling in the demo so im gonna try to explain, at 1:56 i was shaking my mouse to at the zombie jokingly ... 2:30 i heard him shooting his m4 and was spraying the wall. At 3.08 i was in vent with Bobn at the time he told me him and lots of people are coming to kill me from underpass so i knew i was gonna die i shot the under to bridge to get a lucky head shot. At 4:08 u can clearly see my teammate shooting at some one.

    I will and never turn to hacking. I am a dedicated player in the server, with some 2500 something levels and was rank 4. I only hope for your sympathy.

    -Thanks for reading, BoB

  2. Hi guys just started to play this server often again and realized very fast that bash was nerfed. I Believe that bash currently is considerably underpowered and needs to be buffed. I mean people need something to compete with all these long-jump races and zombies etc. I think this will help people to stop whoring the most common races such as cherion, succubus, keeper and other races like that. I Mean when this server goes to dust 2 compound or Aztec i think 90% of the people go to a long-jump race and frankly I'm a little tired and believe things need to be spiced up a bit. I think bash should go back as it used to be or at-least a little buff. Would be happy to see all your opinions

    Thanks, BoB

  3. Hi guys haven't played since a while back just had a couple questions about bash?

    1) Did it get nerfed?

    2) which race now has the most bash

    3) Does human have a higher chance to bash then human general?


  4. Some of you guys should already know me. I generally play wcs #1. I've been playing off and on the server for about two years? (maby 1 lost count). So gonna try to more involved with the community

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