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Posts posted by Dread

  1. Only reason that I'm able to play like 5 hours or more a day. Is because I just got finished with my last exam.

    So just vacation now. ;)

  2. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (*FK_EA* Seb @ Aug 11 2007, 01:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

    Druad told me that UV needed 30 bucks for the website or something and was told that I would get admin if I did. Well, I donated 30 bucks and don't care if I get admin. I donated for the simple fact that I like your server.


    Ye thx a lot.. smile.gif

    And still my name is Dread.. blink.gif

  3. Name: KillMachine666

    Steam ID: # 77 "[QC] < KillMachine666 >" STEAM_0:0:3529942 09:10 61 0 active

    Server: Warcraft

    Reason: Aimbot, migth wallhack too

    Screenshots/Demos: Bad demo but since you need a prove , and this is the only i got before he got votebanned..

    and forgot to stop it when done.. laugh.gif

    Nvm dont know how to post demo thing .. -.- so no prove.. :\

    Well this is what happend.. we played dust2 .. like 5-6 ct's ran A long .. killed 2 t's

    Then KillMachine came headshot on 4 I went out he turned around and was heading to b well i thougth.. i just got out then he turns around in air and makes headshot..

    then after we went dust and i made demo

  4. Dident thougth of screenshots..

    But We were in italy then

    =(UV)=Blaze banned (player)

    =(UV)=Blaze banned (player)

    =(UV)=Blaze banned (player)

    =(UV)=Blaze banned (player)

    =(UV)=Blaze banned (player)

    =(UV)=Blaze banned (player)

    =(UV)=Blaze banned (player)

    =(UV)=Blaze banned (player)

    =(UV)=Blaze banned (player)

    =(UV)=Blaze banned (player)

    =(UV)=Blaze banned (player)

    =(UV)=Blaze banned (player)

    =(UV)=Blaze banned (player)

    =(UV)=Blaze banned (player)

    =(UV)=Blaze banned (player)

    ^^ many times ..

  5. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Craigory @ Jul 9 2007, 08:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

    I got banned today randomly. I wasnt spamming mic, hacking, or any of the above. I dont know who banned me and i dont even know if there was an admin on the server at the time. Could you please unban me?

    All on server did.. I also made topic.. -.-

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