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Level 2
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  1. Like (+1)
    Kim got a reaction from Revöker in Post a picture of yourself   
  2. Like (+1)
    Kim got a reaction from Leeroy in Post a picture of yourself   
  3. Like (+1)
    Kim got a reaction from Sakarra in Post a picture of yourself   
  4. Like (+1)
    Kim got a reaction from Dylan in Post a picture of yourself   
  5. Like (+1)
    Kim reacted to trav in Honest attempt to populate csgo servers   
    @Pike would you consider changing maxrounds to 6?
    Also how about unmuting everyone one below 10 people?
    I also think rewarding players with 5x credits for playing below 10 would be useful as well.
  6. Like (+1)
    Kim reacted to SpartanSakaro in sG official YouTube channel   
    just do something like Womble, make videos of sG members playing together having fun to give the illusion that we actually enjoy each other's company and boom done.
  7. Like (+1)
    Kim reacted to centran in sG official YouTube channel   
    What we need
    Young relatable person with good on camera personality Over the top energy/enthusiasm Speak to the viewer and make them feel like you are engaging them personally Create a "brand". Don't go over the top speaking in thrid person but keep reminding viewers of the "brand" DRAMA - it's what sG does best and why we can dominate this scene!  
  8. Upvote (+1)
    Kim reacted to Rayne in sG official YouTube channel   
    I've always wanted to make my own game'esque video for YouTube but never really gotten round to doing it. If this took off I'd definitely contribute.
  9. Upvote (+1)
    Kim reacted to Ordinarygamer96 in sG official YouTube channel   
    So I've come up with an idea good in theory but needing tweeking  and support.  The idea is to create an official community YouTube channel that everyone can contribute to. Videos the channel would feature can include raw gameplay on the servers and other games members play like for instance pubg matches, highlight videos similar to the old jb videos some people used to make , basic guides to the servers like a jb or Warcraft how to for people that prefer learning visually, jb map secret videos(community member walks the viewer through some of a maps secrets and gives tips) ,sG  tournament recordings, maybe a news update occasionally.
    Since itd be a community shared channel we'd set up a system anyone can share content with a moderator or moderators who in turn will decide if the video is ok to share and them give them credit when it's uploaded. I know we have sG members with their own channels like @Wave who can give advice and maybe share content with us and vice versa. We can start it off just by collecting all the old videos of the servers in one place.  What do you guys think? Would anyone  be willing to help talk on the responsibility or make content for the channel ? It would be open to any sort of vaguely sG  related content be it server footage or members playing something.
  10. Upvote (+1)
    Kim reacted to UnknownLegend in TTT:GO Mic Limit   
    Hey @bulletford did you do this?  this is a reminder to do this.
  11. Upvote (+1)
    Kim reacted to bulletford in TTT:GO Mic Limit   
    It's definitely possible to disable when less then x players are on, I'm busy today, remind me if I don't do this please
  12. Upvote (+1)
    Kim got a reaction from sweetrock in TTT:GO Mic Limit   
    This really shouldn't be a thing when there's less than five or ten people on the server. Quite a few times we've had three or four people on just goofing around and it gets pretty irritating. Mic spam isn't much of a problem with that low of a pop. Tried to teach a friend the game the other day in intervals of 5 seconds. I made it work, but damn was it annoying.
  13. Upvote (+1)
    Kim got a reaction from MistaChang in TTT:GO Mic Limit   
    This really shouldn't be a thing when there's less than five or ten people on the server. Quite a few times we've had three or four people on just goofing around and it gets pretty irritating. Mic spam isn't much of a problem with that low of a pop. Tried to teach a friend the game the other day in intervals of 5 seconds. I made it work, but damn was it annoying.
  14. Upvote (+1)
    Kim got a reaction from Ironic in TTT:GO Mic Limit   
    This really shouldn't be a thing when there's less than five or ten people on the server. Quite a few times we've had three or four people on just goofing around and it gets pretty irritating. Mic spam isn't much of a problem with that low of a pop. Tried to teach a friend the game the other day in intervals of 5 seconds. I made it work, but damn was it annoying.
  15. Upvote (+1)
    Kim got a reaction from lemonade in TTT:GO Mic Limit   
    This really shouldn't be a thing when there's less than five or ten people on the server. Quite a few times we've had three or four people on just goofing around and it gets pretty irritating. Mic spam isn't much of a problem with that low of a pop. Tried to teach a friend the game the other day in intervals of 5 seconds. I made it work, but damn was it annoying.
  16. Upvote (+1)
    Kim got a reaction from Reaper0470 in TTT:GO Mic Limit   
    This really shouldn't be a thing when there's less than five or ten people on the server. Quite a few times we've had three or four people on just goofing around and it gets pretty irritating. Mic spam isn't much of a problem with that low of a pop. Tried to teach a friend the game the other day in intervals of 5 seconds. I made it work, but damn was it annoying.
  17. Upvote (+1)
    Kim got a reaction from trav in TTT:GO Mic Limit   
    This really shouldn't be a thing when there's less than five or ten people on the server. Quite a few times we've had three or four people on just goofing around and it gets pretty irritating. Mic spam isn't much of a problem with that low of a pop. Tried to teach a friend the game the other day in intervals of 5 seconds. I made it work, but damn was it annoying.
  18. Upvote (+1)
    Kim got a reaction from Imperium in TTT:GO Mic Limit   
    This really shouldn't be a thing when there's less than five or ten people on the server. Quite a few times we've had three or four people on just goofing around and it gets pretty irritating. Mic spam isn't much of a problem with that low of a pop. Tried to teach a friend the game the other day in intervals of 5 seconds. I made it work, but damn was it annoying.
  19. Upvote (+1)
    Kim got a reaction from Rune in TTT:GO Mic Limit   
    This really shouldn't be a thing when there's less than five or ten people on the server. Quite a few times we've had three or four people on just goofing around and it gets pretty irritating. Mic spam isn't much of a problem with that low of a pop. Tried to teach a friend the game the other day in intervals of 5 seconds. I made it work, but damn was it annoying.
  20. Upvote (+1)
    Kim got a reaction from Noah in TTT:GO Mic Limit   
    This really shouldn't be a thing when there's less than five or ten people on the server. Quite a few times we've had three or four people on just goofing around and it gets pretty irritating. Mic spam isn't much of a problem with that low of a pop. Tried to teach a friend the game the other day in intervals of 5 seconds. I made it work, but damn was it annoying.
  21. Upvote (+1)
    Kim got a reaction from Grayson Levi in TTT:GO Mic Limit   
    This really shouldn't be a thing when there's less than five or ten people on the server. Quite a few times we've had three or four people on just goofing around and it gets pretty irritating. Mic spam isn't much of a problem with that low of a pop. Tried to teach a friend the game the other day in intervals of 5 seconds. I made it work, but damn was it annoying.
  22. Upvote (+1)
    Kim got a reaction from Leeroy in TTT:GO Mic Limit   
    This really shouldn't be a thing when there's less than five or ten people on the server. Quite a few times we've had three or four people on just goofing around and it gets pretty irritating. Mic spam isn't much of a problem with that low of a pop. Tried to teach a friend the game the other day in intervals of 5 seconds. I made it work, but damn was it annoying.
  23. Upvote (+1)
    Kim got a reaction from Yunki in TTT:GO Mic Limit   
    This really shouldn't be a thing when there's less than five or ten people on the server. Quite a few times we've had three or four people on just goofing around and it gets pretty irritating. Mic spam isn't much of a problem with that low of a pop. Tried to teach a friend the game the other day in intervals of 5 seconds. I made it work, but damn was it annoying.
  24. Upvote (+1)
    Kim got a reaction from Zip in TTT:GO Mic Limit   
    This really shouldn't be a thing when there's less than five or ten people on the server. Quite a few times we've had three or four people on just goofing around and it gets pretty irritating. Mic spam isn't much of a problem with that low of a pop. Tried to teach a friend the game the other day in intervals of 5 seconds. I made it work, but damn was it annoying.
  25. Upvote (+1)
    Kim got a reaction from Chowder in TTT:GO Mic Limit   
    This really shouldn't be a thing when there's less than five or ten people on the server. Quite a few times we've had three or four people on just goofing around and it gets pretty irritating. Mic spam isn't much of a problem with that low of a pop. Tried to teach a friend the game the other day in intervals of 5 seconds. I made it work, but damn was it annoying.
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