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Level 3
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    35.00 USD 
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Reputation Activity

  1. Upvote (+1)
    Count reacted to Avery in Fairy Type Pokemon   
    R/S/E are okay, but it turned into the same shit COD is doing after that.
  2. Upvote (+1)
    Count reacted to Dyscivist in Attention black people of sG   
    You're a dumbass and you don't know what you're talking about.
  3. Upvote (+1)
    Count got a reaction from WeakSauce in ALL PICK   
    Play invoker.
  4. Upvote (+1)
    Count reacted to Name in E3 2013 - EA Discussion   
    I swear to god if EA fucks up battlefront 3 I will go postal on their headquarters.
    The rest of the stuff was pretty cool too, I guess.
  5. Upvote (+1)
    Count got a reaction from Sketchmaticx in ALL PICK   
    Play invoker.
  6. Upvote (+1)
    Count got a reaction from Pancake Man in ALL PICK   
    Play invoker.
  7. Upvote (+1)
    Count got a reaction from Name in ALL PICK   
    Play invoker.
  8. Upvote (+1)
    Count reacted to Daileyyy in are the sG TTT files public?   
    Yeah we're gonna make our own TTT server, With blackjack... and hookers.
    edit: clearly im flaming.
  9. Upvote (+1)
    Count reacted to Dojima in Stereo Mix doesn't appear   
    Some sound cards don't offer it.  Use Virtual Audio Cable.
  10. Upvote (+1)
    Count got a reaction from WeakSauce in Unbanning Monkeh   
    But the question is... will he come back!
  11. Downvote (-1)
    Count got a reaction from Kyle Mango in Unbanning Monkeh   
    But the question is... will he come back!
  12. Downvote (-1)
    Count got a reaction from ChosenOne2000 in Unbanning Monkeh   
    But the question is... will he come back!
  13. Downvote (-1)
    Count got a reaction from Necrophenia in Unbanning Monkeh   
    But the question is... will he come back!
  14. Downvote (-1)
    Count reacted to Sucks in Mister Turkes confirmed furry   
    So that makes 3 of us  
  15. Upvote (+1)
    Count reacted to SpecialBrownies in S4S?   
    Stop thinking you have a sense of entitlement to bash on new users on the forums and also stop being a faggot. You were more cool before you got into sG and became SO.
  16. Upvote (+1)
    Count got a reaction from WeakSauce in Flaming gazelle   
    wut? any backround to this? cuz if not it's just plain retarded
  17. Upvote (+1)
    Count got a reaction from WeakSauce in LEAGUE OF LEGENDS!!!   
    I'm pretty sure 75% of sG is on EU anyways. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
    EDIT: I'm wrong.
  18. Upvote (+1)
    Count got a reaction from WeakSauce in Mouse pad helps aim?   
    Thank you for not bitching about my question Camels, thats all I wanted to know.
  19. Downvote (-1)
    Count got a reaction from Azzkicker in LEAGUE OF LEGENDS!!!   
    I'm pretty sure 75% of sG is on EU anyways. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
    EDIT: I'm wrong.
  20. Upvote (+1)
    Count got a reaction from Tanner in LEAGUE OF LEGENDS!!!   
    I'm pretty sure 75% of sG is on EU anyways. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
    EDIT: I'm wrong.
  21. Downvote (-1)
    Count got a reaction from Deadpool in LEAGUE OF LEGENDS!!!   
    I'm pretty sure 75% of sG is on EU anyways. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
    EDIT: I'm wrong.
  22. Upvote (+1)
    Count got a reaction from WeakSauce in Clubbing   
    This is definately going to become my new favourite hobby
  23. Upvote (+1)
    Count got a reaction from Siesan in LEAGUE OF LEGENDS!!!   
    I'm pretty sure 75% of sG is on EU anyways. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
    EDIT: I'm wrong.
  24. Upvote (+1)
    Count got a reaction from ZachPL in LEAGUE OF LEGENDS!!!   
    I'm pretty sure 75% of sG is on EU anyways. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
    EDIT: I'm wrong.
  25. Downvote (-1)
    Count got a reaction from KGameLover1 in LEAGUE OF LEGENDS!!!   
    I'm pretty sure 75% of sG is on EU anyways. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
    EDIT: I'm wrong.
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