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    35.00 USD 
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  1. Upvote (+1)
    Count got a reaction from WeakSauce in Favorite song lyrics?   
    Don't know how to embed FUCK
  2. Upvote (+1)
    Count got a reaction from WeakSauce in I rant about the Hannah Smith ask.fm "trolling" suicide   
    As I saw this title i thought it was a girl faking suicide to troll
    Anyways... suicde is the most retarded way to stop your problems... JUST ASK FOR FUCKING HELP. There's always going to be people there for you. Hell! Some people have that as a job.
  3. Upvote (+1)
    Count reacted to Fat Black Woman in I rant about the Hannah Smith ask.fm "trolling" suicide   
    You cannot blame a young teenager/pre-teen or the parents or the school as much as you blame the bullies. Bullies are the direct distributors of the harassment. Yes, the parents should have done more. It's a shame and it's horrible that they were not more involved in their daughter's life and that they were not aware. Yes, she could have simply delete her Ask.fm which seems like the logical thing to do. I don't think it was her intent to stay on the site just to be constantly harassed and bullied to the point where she would want to take her own life. You can't really blame the victim. There are counter-measures that her school, but more importantly her parents, could have taken, and it's sad that nothing happened. But, ultimately it is the fault of the bullies for harassing a young girl far enough that she would take her own life.
  4. Upvote (+1)
    Count reacted to Sexican in Sick of this shit :/ [Resovled]   
    Im sick of being made fun of on sG Jail Break because im not a bitch like every one else and I defend my self by posting complaints or complaining in the admin chat. Im sick of being made fun of on the server when I join and when im not on I have been called a faggot, Cunt, dick sucker when ever I log on to the server today Hurfinator called me gay so I said fuck you in admin chat I admit that's wrong on my part and on his to call me gay he kicked me for disrespect I rejoin and say there is no hurf on because he changed his name to bear or some shit so I was a smart ass. On to Commander Lard. Every day he is on I have to ignore him or say fuck on he has been muted like 3 or 4 times now for calling me a faggot (Also hurf fucking hates me for no reason) Commander insults me every day for no reason he though of it as a joke but I don't so I said shut the fuck up then he got serious and now he means the things he says. For instance  Commander Lard calls me Cunt, Sexicunt, Faggot, there is ALOT more but I cant think of them right now. Im sick of being yelled at for asking for help from admins. Im scared to go on because I get insulted every day people noticed im depressed on the server. The reason I am is personal and also because the fucking people most admins are helpful but Hurf is a straight up dick to me. If a fucking admin or higher insults me im going to fight back don't be a little bitch and kick me for defending my self.
  5. Downvote (-1)
    Count reacted to Kung? in ROFL is a racism fegget   
    That's nothing when compared to me.  
  6. Upvote (+1)
    Count got a reaction from Randy Savage in omg does anyone counter-strike   
    Why the fuck would we be playing cs in a club penguin clan?
  7. Upvote (+1)
    Count got a reaction from Randy Savage in Happy Birthday Randy Savage   
    Happy barf day!
  8. Upvote (+1)
    Count reacted to cookie eater in The MOTD has been updated   
    I think i see an issue 
    2b. b. You have five seconds to begin to comply with orders or you may be killed.
    3d. Give the terrorists at least three seconds to begin to comply with all orders before killing them.
    and revision date is wrong
  9. Upvote (+1)
    Count got a reaction from Goldentongue in Iphone or Blackberry or Android or Other   
    There's too many threads about this...
  10. Upvote (+1)
    Count got a reaction from WeakSauce in This is for Tortoise   
    lol 9gag
  11. Upvote (+1)
    Count got a reaction from TurtleFrenzy in This is for Tortoise   
    lol 9gag
  12. Upvote (+1)
    Count reacted to Name in Slayed and ct'd for an invalid reason   
    Yeah, I'm sure your story will convince sG to take punitive action against one of its managers without any confirmation or proof of any kind.
  13. Upvote (+1)
    Count got a reaction from WeakSauce in Pope Platy's Commonly Asked Trivia Questions.   
    What happened to operation Market Garden?
  14. Upvote (+1)
    Count reacted to platypus9068 in I've made a terrible mistake   
    Don't get me wrong, you can still insult me, It doesn't bother me, just know that my last post would've been considered funny where I am well known.
  15. Upvote (+1)
    Count reacted to platypus9068 in Pope Platy's Commonly Asked Trivia Questions.   
    1.) What is the capital of Peru? 
    A: Lima
    2.) What is the capital of Ukraine?
    A: Kiev
    3.) What is the capital of Germany?
    A: Berlin
    4.) What is the capital of Poland?
    A: Warsaw
    5.) What is the name of the former president who signed into law the Indian removal act? 
    A: Andrew Jackson
    6.) What is the name of the former U.S president who charged San Juan hill during the Spanish-American war?
    A:Theodore Roosevelt
    7.) What is the name of the former U.S president who was involved with the teapot dome scandal?
    A: Warren G. Harding
    8.) What is the name of of the forest where the battle of the bulge took place in?
    A: The Ardennes forest
    9.) What are the names of the members of the "Big Three" of WWII?
    A: Franklin Roosevelt, Joseph Stalin, Winston Churchill
    10.) Sometimes I ask about airplanes, typically the Japanese Zero fighter, or the B-52
    If you think I have left out any, or if you would like me to try any new ones, please reply with the question/answer.
  16. Upvote (+1)
    Count got a reaction from WeakSauce in Valve fucked me over...   
  17. Upvote (+1)
    Count reacted to Tristan. in Valve fucked me over...   
    Download this suspicious .exe file to get your money back. 
  18. Downvote (-1)
    Count got a reaction from _kyle_ in Valve fucked me over...   
  19. Downvote (-1)
    Count got a reaction from SexyBatman in Valve fucked me over...   
  20. Upvote (+1)
    Count reacted to FallenEagle89 in I Need Your Help   
    im not trolling im serious
  21. Upvote (+1)
    Count reacted to FallenEagle89 in I Need Your Help   
    just you wait you whore im gonna have a lower rep than you
  22. Upvote (+1)
    Count reacted to FallenEagle89 in I Need Your Help   
    no i wont i can control myself
  23. Upvote (+1)
    Count reacted to FallenEagle89 in I Need Your Help   
    If any body has a chance at it its me and i'm going for it (support the Cause) I will campaign for as long as it takes i will not give up
  24. Upvote (+1)
    Count reacted to thorgot in New admin commands for JB: ghost2, invis2 and appear2   
    sm_ghost2: 80% invis

    sm_invis2: 97% invis

    sm_appear2: 0% invis
    Guns are set to the same invisibility, but this only applies to guns in your hand. Other guns show up as fully visible. You can still see sm_invis2 players in certain lights, and if they have guns those are easier to see.
    Currently all are set to Premium+ admin, but invis2 might be moved up if it's abused. So don't ruin it for everyone, guys.
  25. Upvote (+1)
    Count reacted to FallenEagle89 in I Need Your Help   
    (Storm Charger for lowest rep campaign 2013)
    I have a goal and i think its something a lot of you will enjoy it. My goal is to have the lowest rep on the forums as far as i know KGame has the lowest rep and i intend on having a lot lower rep than that if somebody has the lowest rep please inform me. Thank you for your time and i hope you enjoy this as much as i will. 
    -Storm Charger
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