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Posts posted by Aesik

  1. Not that I don't like Cass or anything he's alright.

    But, I want to clarify Sins when you came into de_icewerk last night.

    He was 4-1 on shadowhunter then switched to CSSpro.

    though he did keep his record at 4-1 thats not where he achieved it.

  2. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Retro Gangsta @ May 5 2009, 07:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

    I agree.

    That doesn't mean what you did wasn't wrong though O.

    Granted he shouldn't be egging anyone on you don't have to follow through either.

    If he told you to slay yourself every round I'm pretty damn sure you wouldn't listen to him then.

  3. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Junzou @ May 5 2009, 06:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

    Yeah, as soon as I realized it was O, I was going to post something; you beat me. Nice detective work.

    If this is the play O from WCS2 I'm just gonna put my 2 cents in.

    I've seen you come into the server and ask if admins are on and when someone says no.

    You feel like it's free rain to just break every rule.

    I've witnessed you

    -Mic Spam after being repeatedly asked not to.

    -Grenade spam(I must have asked you not to about 2-3 times)

    -Buy health on races that are not suppose to.


    Now I have no proof of any of this because, it never lasts long he usually stops after a few people get on his ass about it.

    Point is he has broken these rules plenty of times I'm sure there are others that have witnessed it.

    So don't get all boo hoo when you finally get slayed down for breaking rules.

  4. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Perk @ May 5 2009, 11:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

    Gray man's proc hits you for 50 at max at whatever per cent the chance is, which is half your health. The skills in my EXAMPLE don't deal damage (except for poison but I'm thinking the damage over time poison, not the instant +dmg poison) and their proc rates aren't supposed to be very high.

    Keep in mind it's just a very rough example. It could be 5000 levels really, as long as it takes use of WCS skills and any gun you like. But coding for 5000 levels would take forever.

    I don't like gray man because you're limited to the mac10 and the mediocre pistol. And when you're playing it you're only hoping for either a random headshot or a damage proc.

    Also like mind spring said, it may just be a low impact race instead of a direct replacement (we know how much you love your CSS Pro Space :P) which is not supposed to be maxed out unless you play it like every day non stop for 10 years.

    As I said in the other thread I really like this idea.

    Grayman is cool and all but, when you max the race it borders on OP if your Pro spray mac10.

    I'd like something with alot of levels like CSSpro but, that when it's maxed it just turns out to be a decent race nothing OP

  5. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Perk @ May 5 2009, 10:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

    To me atleast, I play WCS for the fun of it and the fact that it's different from normal CSS. When people with maxed out races are forced to change race to something that brings back the "boredom" (if you wish) of regular CSS, they either leave, or suck, lol.

    My suggestion would be a replacement race for CSS pro, with say 100 levels for 5-8 different skills, but every skill scales at a very low percentage so that when it's maxed at whatever level that may be, it acts like a normal race with 20-30 levels.

    I realize that this might take some time to adjust for the different percentages, scaling etc.


    (Can use any gun as normally)

    <Race Name>

    100 levels, 5 skills

    1: Drug/shake/banish/distort (scale at 0.2% per level. So when it reaches level 100, it has a 20% chance to proc.

    2: Speed (scale at 0.4% per level. 1.4 speed at level 100 (a number of races has 1.4 speed))

    3: Poison (Scale at 0.2% per level, same as drug/shake/banish/distort)

    4: Enemy freezes when he shoots you (Scales at whatever time so that the higher the level the longer they are frozen)

    5: Heal (Scales at 1 hp per 5 levels. 100 = 20 HP every X seconds that is appropriate)

    The skills could be completely different, those were just some that popped into my head that would make it an ok race when/IF (right..) it's maxed.

    My 2c.


    (Discuss here if wanted.)

    Like the idea Perk! 2nd that

    I understand that is why CSS pro was put there. It is even fun every now and then to shop whore with it and see how high of a score you can get against people with good races :)

    But, at the same time I agree it is damn boring. I come to WCS#2 to play WCS so I generally would rather not play a race with no skills.

  6. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (vOrTeXx @ Apr 27 2009, 08:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

    welcome man!!

    this wcs deathmatch server was such a great idea.. half of these new introductions are from our server :D ...

    keep playin dm bigbob!

    I've seen you around a bit on WC2

    Always fun to play with.

    You've gotten quite a few good shots on me.

  7. I don't have an SS or a demo at the moment.

    But, Just now on cs_assault westcoast AGAIN joined in and started using his Zombie race with guns.

    Lots of regulars were on to witness it as was Perk and Kalamanga.

    This is after he has been warned multiple times and banned in my presence.

    Everytime he tells me to stfu and QQ cause he didn't know the rules.

    Or when I finally get a hold of an admin to let them know he says I'm on (insert different race here) now so stfu I'm not doing it anymore.

    I was also witness to him dodging a ban.

    He knows the rules.

    He breaks them when admins are not on.

    He is 12years old.

    I hate this kid.

  8. Hey!

    Figured I'd finally drop in the forums and say hi to everyone and share a little info on myself.

    I've been playing in the UV WCS#2 server exclusively for about a month maybe more now but, after being a forum whore for my old WoW guild for 4years I was hesitant to start again -_-.

    But, I was bugged by UV members to come say hi so here I am :P

    Name: Jeremy(Aesik)

    School: UCF(University of Central Florida)

    Job: Computer Repair/Network Management

    Fav Map: de_cbble

    Fav Race: Human Mage

    Not much else I can think to add.

    Hope to see you all in game!

  9. Name: Aesik

    Steam ID: "Aesik" STEAM_0:0:2371398

    Server: Warcraft # 2

    Have a reason maybe or have a thought why ? : Shocker was being a child as usual. People were calling him out/screwing with him. Usually I wouldn't partake in fucking with admins. But, shocker is special to me as when I first started playing in this server he kinda picked me out to fuck with. So regardless I called him a whiny little girl or something to that effect because well, he WAS whining. He kicked me and so I came back and said something to the effect of thanks for the warning ya little child and then got banned.

    Can't recall all who was in the server at the time as I had just joined and I guess everyone had him going before I got there so it didn't take long.

    I'd like to be unbanned if possible.

    It's all fun and games I just don't care for that kid period.

    I guess I can leave shocker alone , I mean it's worth it to play in the server anyways.

    If not just let me know that's fine too, though I do enjoy UV and a lot of the people that play on the server so if not.


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