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Shooting in Dallas

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Jesus fuck... I don't even know why I bothered to watch the point blank kill of the officer that ran in.


It reminded me of the movie Nightcrawler. The way the news anchor is describing what's happening on video is sickening in how fucking titillating he is over the fact that their network has the hottest video. His voice is undeniably salacious in fucking excitement for the video they bought.

I saw that video to... Gave me fucking chills. But from the video he had some type of semi automatic rifle. So does that mean there was 2 snipers and one guy outside with a semi automatic rifle?

Edit: just saw a news article saying he was armed with a SKS

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It is "retaliation" for the people bugging out about the 2 black guys that were killed by police.


For some reason they think they can solve violence with more violence.


"Hey, we want police officers to stop racially profiling us and shooting us when we are brandishing our illegal guns, so lets kill more police officers."


Fucking scum

Only one had a gun illegally. Philando Castile has a permit to carry and informed the officer prior to being killed.

My heart goes out to those police who are dead and injured..... Some people say and I quote "THE POLICE ARE NOT HERE TO PROTECT US, THEY ARE HERE TO ASSASINATE US" and I say BullShit.....

Technically the Supreme Court said the police have no obligation to protect and serve.

Jesus fuck... I don't even know why I bothered to watch the point blank kill of the officer that ran in.


It reminded me of the movie Nightcrawler. The way the news anchor is describing what's happening on video is sickening in how fucking titillating he is over the fact that their network has the hottest video. His voice is undeniably salacious in fucking excitement for the video they bought.


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3 hours ago, Travesty said:


They made the rational decision to take him out rather than sending in more officers to potentially get killed on their way up to the man. IMO they made the ethical and safer move for all.


It didn't solve any of our issues... it solved the potential threat to the community and the officers.

I wasn't necessarily criticizing the action of the officers who killed the guy, more the mentality of "Great news we just killed someone and potentially escalated the conflict".  Good news imo would be if one of the officers was downgraded from critical condition or something along those lines.  I absolutely understand the necessity of  what they did however I think the mentality that Dakka showed is part of the problem

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The literally blew him up... Like that's about as quality of an end they could have given that guy. He shall forever be known as the cop killer that was suicide bombed in retaliation. Jesus go big or go home.

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I'm so lucky this happened when I was out of town. I'm in that area a lot when I'm not playing games or working. Still can't believe this happened.

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On 7/10/2016 at 0:21 PM, Nature said:

can you guys post the link?


On 7/8/2016 at 1:11 PM, Beerman said:



Only one had a gun illegally. Philando Castile has a permit to carry and informed the officer prior to being killed.




Technically the Supreme Court said the police have no obligation to protect and serve.







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