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Carl Sagan

Whats the dumbest thing you have ever been banned for?

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So sg i want to hear the dumbest shit you have ever been banned for- from calling the admin a faggot to having too high of a k/d

having it happen on our servers counts as double


my favourite has to be this time when me, howard and crew went on a super srs half life rp server as a bunch of black men and spawned watermelons in a bath tub until an admin noclipped to our location and banned us for trying to crash the server or whatever

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Sitting on ts3 with jeff and dogs and some plebs when the topic of "Does slay @all even work?" We were puzzled as to if it would work because why should it work when would you ever need to slay @all. Jeff says "I'm pretty sure it's only @ct or @t." So I retort with "I can just test it lol." They ask me how many people are alive, I reply 38. "You won't. No balls." says DogsGoMeow. Me not being a little bitch opens up chat and types /slay @all. It kills everyone and 2 seconds later the server crashes and stays down for 6 hours. I was banned for a week. :^)

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anytime i go into a hl2rp server i spend my time letting the admins know that they're autistic


unless they have a certain tool unlocked which lets me crash the server, then i just get banned for that

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I have two and I'm not sure which is worse. I was banned for calling a troll smelly on some deathmatch server on CSGO, and Specialbronies banned me for a week for banning someone for a week for mass rdm on TTT.

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was playing on a source server maybe a year ago, started bhopping, fragged an admin, he told me to stop bhopping, and accused me and slav of ghosting, i proceeded to call said admin a retard, and if he doesnt want people bhopping, to simply make his server disallow bhopping.


got perma'd, told sakata to join, and he called the admin a racial slur, he also got banned.


was it worth? of course it was



also for spamming the recruitment with 420/60 gz on sg!!!!


6 month ban



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I got banned for admin abuse when I first joined sG. 

It was a simpler time back then, when admins could really fuck around (*more than they do now*).. well I ment to do !slap @all 0 for lulz, buttt i typed !slay @all 0 .. and slayed the whole server, then left in fear. Banned for a while.. dont remember how long.








for asking what does sm_couch do


What does it do 0.0

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on our first dark rp server we made a terrorist group and killed all of the cops then we all got banned rip

also camel got banned by eddy because anime is cartoons 

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got banned by the faggot montgomery in ZE for a week just before the servers went out because i had made a cade he could not get through. 

Got banned in JB for not being part of sG and wearing the tags.


Shit almost forgot, got banned for a year by toxygen for beating him in league.

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banned for 2 years for giving out clay's google voice number


on our first dark rp server we made a terrorist group and killed all of the cops then we all got banned rip

also camel got banned by eddy because anime is cartoons 

also top kek i remember this

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I was banned one time by yellowhy for an hour for "chat spamming" on TTT. It was pretty stupid since I did stop whenever he keep telling me to and it was stupid because he could have just "!mute Ironic", but no he decided to ban me for an hour.

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I joined a minecraft server a few years ago. I went through their application process and paid $10 to get in. When I connected for the first time I typed "hello" in chat to the owner and got banned for a week. Pike knows Kappa

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on our first dark rp server we made a terrorist group and killed all of the cops then we all got banned rip

also camel got banned by eddy because anime is cartoons 

to this day mimic insists this was me

cant remember? was probably ted

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Ted already named my favorite


My other favorite is when I went to an eGO jailbreak server with about 15 other people and we all had our names along the lines of Howard ________. Such as:


Howard Clean

Howard Queen

Howard Bean 




The admins got super pissed but couldn't ban us until I start spamming the N word and they had to figure out which howard it was.

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My friends and I had a minecraft server and used the nodus mod for all the pvp games we played. We decided to try them on an official server, and so we choose one of the biggest minecraft hunger games servers. Turns out they don't appreciate our use of the nodus mod. So we all got banned till we are like 72 years old.


Was worth.

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I joined a minecraft server a few years ago. I went through their application process and paid $10 to get in. When I connected for the first time I typed "hello" in chat to the owner and got banned for a week. Pike knows Kappa

quality server right there

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to this day mimic insists this was me

cant remember? was probably ted

i feel like you were apart of the mass terror we put upon the city

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Zach banned me for 8 hours for typing +left in console and sitting in an empty server all night when we had the crate drop system on TTT, stabbity banned me for posting a spray of her face over the tits on clue.

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