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Need something to cheer me up

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Fuck you man, wanna fight? No, but seriously it might not be as long as some others but it still hurts man.  Also thanks to all those who have posted thus far.


If it was a week I would probably laugh but yeah a month is long enough to be heart broken and to add on more pain if you knew the person before you started dating.






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Fuck you man, wanna fight? No, but seriously it might not be as long as some others but it still hurts man.  Also thanks to all those who have posted thus far.

I know how you feel man. Sometimes those short ones that don't last really suck because you feel like you never had a chance to give it a real shot. You still can't help to be really hurt by it, plus you feel kind of dumb because consciously you realize it was so brief. I dated a girl I was absolutely crazy about for about a month two summers ago, and spent a whole year feeling like shit about it. I finally got a chance this semester to be with her again, and it just wasn't the same. The magic was gone, and I realized she just wasn't the person I had imagined she was and she never could be that person. We ended things yesterday on good terms. So just realize no matter how real it feels, if it wasn't able to last, then maybe it wasn't what you really need.

Here's a gif to cheer you up.


Edited by Goldentongue

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/>I know how you feel man. Sometimes those short ones that don't last really suck because you feel like you never had a chance to give it a real shot. You still can't help to be really hurt by it, plus you feel kind of dumb because consciously you realize it was so brief. I dated a girl I was absolutely crazy about for about a month two summers ago, and spent a whole year feeling like shit about it. I finally got a chance this semester to be with her again, and it just wasn't the same. The magic was gone, and I realized she just wasn't the person I had imagined she was and she never could be that person. We ended things yesterday on good terms. So just realize no matter how real it feels, if it wasn't able to last, then maybe it wasn't what your really need.

Here's a gif to cheer you up.



Got a link to the rest of that?

Also, I find that gif...

...quite humerus.

Edited by Ichalvl

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I know how you feel man. Sometimes those short ones that don't last really suck because you feel like you never had a chance to give it a real shot. You still can't help to be really hurt by it, plus you feel kind of dumb because consciously you realize it was so brief. I dated a girl I was absolutely crazy about for about a month two summers ago, and spent a whole year feeling like shit about it. I finally got a chance this semester to be with her again, and it just wasn't the same. The magic was gone, and I realized she just wasn't the person I had imagined she was and she never could be that person. We ended things yesterday on good terms. So just realize no matter how real it feels, if it wasn't able to last, then maybe it wasn't what you really need.

Here's a gif to cheer you up.





That's so beautiful man, the way she just takes him sticking his bone up her rectum is marveling  

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