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The Story of Sherlock

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It was one fine October evening that Knox, Name, and I decided to enjoy a leisurely game of Defense of The Ancients 2.

As we went about our journey, we met a peculiar soul who's name was Sherlock.



Oh boy, his parents set him up for disaster in life, naming their son Sherlock when he doesn't have a clue.

Poor, poor Sherlock.

Sherlock has a rare disease known as "selfishness." Nobody could blame him really, he was forced to be a strong and independent soul! At age 27, Sherlock found himself all alone, lost in the world of Dota with nobody to trust but himself.

He began his adventures with a pure heart, set only upon the desire to have fun. He wanted to play Captain's Draft, the new game mode where teamwork was most crucial in order to win. However, our dear friend sherlock soon learned just how cruel the world of Dota is.



"This is going great so far! I can't wait to play more!"










At this point, Sherlock began to grow desperate. "Certainly it is not my fault my team is horrible! After all, I was their captain! If only they, the infantry, had done better for me, their king, then we would have won!"

Sherlock's disease began to strengthen within him and tear into Sherlock's emotions. One game became two games, two became four, and soon after, Sherlock began to amass weeks into the game he once played for a little on the weekend.


Addiction soon set in. Sherlock was determined that he would become the greatest Captain that Captain's Draft had ever seen, and would be retold of as a legend to future generations of video game players.

As his body deteriorated from lack of Vitamin D, so did Sherlock's will against buying superficial things. He had to have the greatest looking characters for when he achieved his moment of crowning glory where he would be crowned king of all of Dota.




Sherlock was in critical condition. He had to get a win sooner or later, or he would become irreparably broken.


He noticed that even he began to lose his focus, becoming a more aggressively terrible player as time went on. He needed a deux es machina, a hail mary, something big that would turn his life around.

It was at this moment, that Sherlock entered our lives and realized what monstrosity had been created.

"I'm your Captain now! You shall have no say in what you want to play, because this is MY game and we'll play it MY way."

"But, that's not how Dota is meant to be played." we pleaded with him. "It's a team game, where we get to have fun together and win as a team."




These words struck Sherlock in the heart. He began to realize the monster he had become, and how much time he had wasted on his distorted dreams to ascend the ladder to martyrdom as a Dota legend.

However, at this point, it was too late. Shadow Fiend mauled through the towers of the Radiant as The Invoker, Nyx, and Alchemist tried to fend off the oncoming slaughter. The flames began to grow as desolation set over the land Sherlock had once loved.

"We could have won, Sherlock. Only if you had listened to us."

Sherlock stood AFK in fountain, unmoving and unspeaking.

"You were selfish. You wanted to win by your own means because you thought your mindset was better than everyone elses. Other people have values too, Sherlock. And sometimes, you might find that even though they don't see eye-to-eye with you, they can give you knowledge beyond what you could ever hope for. The World ends with you. You can choose who you open up to, and how far the borders of your heart open." At this time, the Ancient began to wane as the stone structure tumbled into the ground. Sherlock lifted up his eyes, one last time, on the same moon he had once started his journey under.

And then, the flames overtook him.





The Tragedy of Sherlock could have been prevented, if only someone else had come to intervene his journey into the depths of selfishness before it was too late. We have the power to stop more Sherlocks from rising up. We can stop this.


We must learn to cope with the mentally unstable of the Dota community, no matter how retarded they may appear at first glance. We can change their ways and reforge their broken hearts into a solid piece of loyalty.

XIjyl78.jpgNever forget the story of Sherlock. Make a difference. Pass on his legacy.

Edited by TurtleFrenzy

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him: "you should play allpick if you can't play all the heroes"

me: "that's not the point, you're a faggot and didn't listen to your teams picks that would have worked out fine. i can play any hero probably better than you"

him: "well im right and you're wrong so shutup"



so you guys sucked dick at cost this guy the game?

nah he did worse than all of us and complained the whole game Edited by Knox

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him: "you should play allpick if you can't play all the heroes"

me: "that's not the point, you're a faggot and didn't listen to your teams picks that would have worked out fine. i can play any hero probably better than you"

him: "well im right and you're wrong so shutup"



nah he did worse than all of us and complained the whole game


did you, did you really

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