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He needs some education

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Its not a rule though. Its a map related location. This has nothing to do with SO's knowing rules or not. 

On the contrary, it deals with the rules of "not loopholing" and "keep bitching to a minimum."

neither are being used too well in this situation.

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Its not a rule though. Its a map related location. This has nothing to do with SO's knowing rules or not. 


You slayed a warden for killing you which is a part of the rules where you declare it freekilling, and others would not.


You need to give up.



 and this



On the contrary, it deals with the rules of "not loopholing" and "keep bitching to a minimum."

neither are being used too well in this situation.

Edited by Moose678

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I already said I made a mistake.


I'm not really out against you - I just wanted to point out an issue of having so many SO's that have differences in opinions on rules, seeing as we had two SO's in this post say it's not, then one say it is, and having an advisor say it is... 


Just need to lighten up in my opinion, and let people have fun - if you really are friends with the warden, and don't care that you know you'll get killed for trying to find a loophole, that's all fine - I do it all the time, and just like to see how long it is until someone decides I should be shot... But you or anyone else clearly knows what is meant in that map when someone says diving board, so they shouldn't be punished for saying diving board, launch board, or the rhombus by the pool....


Trying to make specific rules out of jb has been a problem for years - and saying everything needs to be crystal clear on any little thing takes away any fun someone might find in this mod...

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Now that this shit has all calmed down, why don't you put yourself in the position of the one person who should be most hurt out of all of you?


My life as a diving board.

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... Really  guys...


On this map, it would be a diving board/launch pad. Either term may be used, because it you may dive from this board either into the water or to your death or to the ladder on box cage. And since it launches you, you may refer to it as a launch pad.


You shouldn't be loop holing the rules like that, since it is such an irrelevant loop hole that just causes confusion, since the board functions as both.


Basically Hurf, calm down with the admin, accept your death if you are trying to push rules/fuck with people, especially if they are right. Try to keep the loop holing to a minimum. Go ahead and be a smart ass about some stuff, but if it is obvious what he meant don't be trigger happy on the admin if he calls you on the bull you are trying to pull. This argument is the same as "cell ramp/stairs", if the map has only 1 board/launch pad for pool, then you may call it either. If people are confused, just repeat and stop being assholes. It's more fun to kill t's with fun games rather than a bit unclear orders.


Also, that square/rhombus(whichever you prefer), has always been called a diving board/launch pad on papas_kingdom. Simply what it has always been called and never has been an issue before and should never have been an issue worthy of creating a thread over. As I've said, if people are legitimately confused and not being assholes who know what you mean(aka failing at loop holing), just clarify rather than be a total kill whore.


Like geez, I go away for 3 days and dis shit comes up...

Edited by Spell

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how about u all shut up, its not a diving board, its being referred as as diving board, u should know its being referred as diving board, if not ur a retard and should kill urself, loopholing is bad, dont be a dick, ur all fat and ugly, ess my tiny dee... weekill out

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I'm not sure if I should even bother making a post addressing what I've just read.


I never intended it to be a "diving board", I intended it to be the grey object next to pool that shoots you into the air and thus makes going into the pool slightly more interesting.

You can go ahead and refer to it as anything you want, as long as it directly relates to what the object is, or functions as. (As to avoid instances like this.)


From what I read Hurff decided to be a cunt and then slayed Demonisgaylol for it. Personally I don't think that's that big of a deal, except for the fact that he was warden.


Whenever I decide to be a cunt I'm 99% sure I'm going to get shot, and although I'll protest my death, I will not take any administrative action towards said person.


I like how basically everything brought up about JB simply requires common sense to deal with, yet you guys still manage to cause so much trouble.


Please note I'm a very situational person.

Edited by Papa

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I'm not sure if I should even bother making a post addressing what I've just read.


I never intended it to be a "diving board", I intended it to be the grey object next to pool that shoots you into the air and thus makes going into the pool slightly more interesting.

You can go ahead and refer to it as anything you want, as long as it directly relates to what the object is, or functions as. (As to avoid instances like this.)


From what I read Hurff decided to be a cunt and then slayed Marine for it. Personally I don't think that's that big of a deal, except for the fact that he was warden.


Whenever I decide to be a cunt I'm 99% sure I'm going to get shot, and although I'll protest my death, I will not take any administrative action towards said person.


I like how basically everything brought up about JB simply requires common sense to deal with, yet you guys still manage to cause so much trouble.


Please note I'm a very situational person.




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