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Carl Sagan

Public service announcement from your friendly neighbourfriend

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honestly for us regulars after we've played round after round on 67th way or island or whatever, we always vote yes on fun rounds because it changes things up even just a little bit. The reason is because vanilla ttt is boring after you've played it for years.

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Nice listing things that mostly paidmins do, then point out people who do almost none of that shit. The music box just got added and is in testing, Zach hasn't been on lately and everyone has a choice to vote no when Centran makes fun rounds. You must get annoyed at 4 or 5 messages because I don't spam csay, this is the first complaint about it.    


I understand you want admins to use less ''fun'' commands and I agree, sometimes it gets out of hand.  But don't paint us in a bad light so you can seem like a FREEDOM FIGHTER

Your not in the clan yet but your already defending your admin like a champ :3


Ted would you like me to resign? I am sorry

just your other account





I think your retarded, unfunny behavior on the server is a bigger issue than people having a good time.

*would not let me post the image directly, due to extensions or some shit


you would not believe how mad this dude was when the server came back


atleast 3 horses

honestly for us regulars after we've played round after round on 67th way or island or whatever, we always vote yes on fun rounds because it changes things up even just a little bit. The reason is because vanilla ttt is boring after you've played it for years.

Theres no way you played nothing but nonstop ttt for 3 years straight

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I think your retarded, unfunny behavior on the server is a bigger issue than people having a good time.

*would not let me post the image directly, due to extensions or some shit.

Awwwwww sheeeeeeeet Ted has a fucking unfunny spray. Fuck all his arguments lets call him a fag and go home guys


fuck you kawaii you piece of shit I like that spray

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They are for TTT. They are available as a traitor weapon. It allows you to light people on fire and burn bodies.

Please note...you are in the Garry's mod TTT forum. So assume anything mentioned here is for TTT unless mentioned otherwise or implied.

Posted from my Galaxy Nexus.

Edited by Blackbid

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They are for TTT. They are available as a traitor weapon. It allows you to light people on fire and burn bodies.

Please note...you are in the Garry's mod TTT forum. So assume anything mentioned here is for TTT unless mentioned otherwise or implied.

Posted from my Galaxy Nexus.

Ahh. Thanks for clearing that up for me. Gmod seems really popular for TTT and I'm really thinking about getting it.

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you, your brother, hotsauce, zach, centran... how about everyone except blackie that makes it easier

got no proof no evidence too lazy and its not like you guys are actually breaking rules


all i want out of this thread is less adminspam; this problem gets glossed over every time it comes up and maybe we should stop being a buch of little mitches when someone wants to help the server




I have my game volume at max and voice at min so i can soundwhore footsteps- but the music plays at full blast no matter what and theres nothing i can do except qq

When have I ever admin spammed?

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All those "fun" commands should be in moderation or at the very least late night with a group you trust that will enjoy it. When someone asks to stop, consider it instead of being brash about it. The "You've been killed by HNGH[Traitor]" messages are fucking annoying, when even one idiot goes "HNGH's a traitor apparently..." because they think it's a glitch or something, it's baiting. staaaaahp. Always remember "I saw another admin doing it" is not a viable excuse, read 'dem dere rules.



that's my tree fiddy on the matter.



proptown is amazing, should only be enacted by a vote, and only once every few moons when the planets align, otherwise punch-o-meter is good enough(do better, moar punch-o-meter, that's my inspiration), if props ever become unusable after death I might take my own life. or just stop playing :C.

Edited by Tubbles

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Seriously if you have to make a "fun" round while playing TTT how about instead of listening to the vote count cause it never reaches 100% that everyone would want  a fun round maybe you should just get off TTT for a bit and do something else instead.

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If you can't handle a majority vote, maybe you should just get off TTT for a bit and do something else instead.





there have always been random votes to do something out of the ordinary, regardless of server, you've been here for awhile now so this shouldn't be a new thing to you.

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There already is !stopurlall and it does what you described.

Wrong, unless they added something since I last played a few days ago. The stopurl thing works on a per song basis, and I think he was referring to a way to prevent any new songs from playing by typing something when you enter the server.

RIght now it only turns off the song playing but doesn't stop new ones from turning on when an admin plays it. Would be a good idea to add a setting like that though honestly for those who don't like the music. Just a thought.

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