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I rant about the Hannah Smith ask.fm "trolling" suicide

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I think the school and parents should be blamed as well.


I elaborate more on this brief sentence in my tired damp hair video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhS0kmhbicQ&feature=youtu.be


News story: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/hannah-smith-death-true-tragedy-2131731

I emplore you to voice your opinions in the comments below but please keep it intelligent...

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You cannot blame a young teenager/pre-teen or the parents or the school as much as you blame the bullies. Bullies are the direct distributors of the harassment. Yes, the parents should have done more. It's a shame and it's horrible that they were not more involved in their daughter's life and that they were not aware. Yes, she could have simply delete her Ask.fm which seems like the logical thing to do. I don't think it was her intent to stay on the site just to be constantly harassed and bullied to the point where she would want to take her own life. You can't really blame the victim. There are counter-measures that her school, but more importantly her parents, could have taken, and it's sad that nothing happened. But, ultimately it is the fault of the bullies for harassing a young girl far enough that she would take her own life.

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As I saw this title i thought it was a girl faking suicide to troll


Anyways... suicde is the most retarded way to stop your problems... JUST ASK FOR FUCKING HELP. There's always going to be people there for you. Hell! Some people have that as a job.

Edited by Count of Monte-Cristo

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You cannot blame a young teenager/pre-teen or the parents or the school as much as you blame the bullies. Bullies are the direct distributors of the harassment. Yes, the parents should have done more. It's a shame and it's horrible that they were not more involved in their daughter's life and that they were not aware. Yes, she could have simply delete her Ask.fm which seems like the logical thing to do. I don't think it was her intent to stay on the site just to be constantly harassed and bullied to the point where she would want to take her own life. You can't really blame the victim. There are counter-measures that her school, but more importantly her parents, could have taken, and it's sad that nothing happened. But, ultimately it is the fault of the bullies for harassing a young girl far enough that she would take her own life.

Fair enough, I just felt that it seemed like the whole problem seemed to be pinned on one source and I'm one of those weirdos that like to think of all the little things that could have been done. Honestly I'm mostly pissed off that they blame the website instead of the bullies and I really should've coverd it more in the rant... I guess I got to a point where I was so pissed off at the ignorent accusation I thought it would be better to try and point out how they could have prevented it instead of pointing out why it's the bullies that should be punished.

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Fair enough, I just felt that it seemed like the whole problem seemed to be pinned on one source and I'm one of those weirdos that like to think of all the little things that could have been done. Honestly I'm mostly pissed off that they blame the website instead of the bullies and I really should've coverd it more in the rant... I guess I got to a point where I was so pissed off at the ignorent accusation I thought it would be better to try and point out how they could have prevented it instead of pointing out why it's the bullies that should be punished.

Yeah for sure it's not the websites fault at all. The parents should have been more involved are aware of what was going on in her life. She should have been more open with her parents and she should have deleted her account. However, judging on how presumably the parents weren't aware, I think it's safe to say that the school did not know anything either, thus leaving them not much for them being able to do.

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Yeah for sure it's not the websites fault at all. The parents should have been more involved are aware of what was going on in her life. She should have been more open with her parents and she should have deleted her account. However, judging on how presumably the parents weren't aware, I think it's safe to say that the school did not know anything either, thus leaving them not much for them being able to do.

While that may be true, I feel like a lesson on internet safety is important in schools (this topic bing what made me realise this) and while I cannot prove that the school didn't have these lessons, I still feel it is likely that they didn't teach it at all and if they did they didn't teach it well enough, maybe that is my Primary school years where these kind of lessons were mandatory every year (or at least it felt like that) and it was hammered in like it was a life and death situation... now I can see why.

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While that may be true, I feel like a lesson on internet safety is important in schools (this topic bing what made me realise this) and while I cannot prove that the school didn't have these lessons, I still feel it is likely that they didn't teach it at all and if they did they didn't teach it well enough, maybe that is my Primary school years where these kind of lessons were mandatory every year (or at least it felt like that) and it was hammered in like it was a life and death situation... now I can see why.

Lessons only do so much though, it's up to each individual person as to what they do on the internet. 

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They just cant handle the internet, and start using it to young.

They have no idea that people are out there just to be a trell and make you have a bad day.

I feel bad for the parents though...


And also how are the parents to blame? the kid obviously has a phone, making it much harder for the parents  to monitor her internet activity.

When i was 12-14, internet was just about getting to mobiles but still mostly kept to PC's and such it wasn't always so accessible as it is now.

Edited by DogsGoMeow

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They just cant handle the internet, and start using it to young.

They have no idea that people are out there just to be a trell and make you have a bad day.

I feel bad for the parents though...


And also how are the parents to blame? the kid obviously has a phone, making it much harder for the parents  to monitor her internet activity.

When i was 12-14, internet was just about getting to mobiles but still mostly kept to PC's and such it wasn't always so accessible as it is now.

My point with that anger induced bit was that if the school didn't teach her how to stay safe on the internet, at the very least her parents should have ad a 30 minuite talk, I'm so used to these internet safety talks I can not imagine a school /  two parents without giving a talk about the internet, I just don't feel it is right  to say the perople who run  a site should be charged for manslaughter when they only hosted the site and they don't monitor it.

clicked play, saw your face, clicked pause


Not interested in opinions by a 12 year old  about troll suicides, hear enough of this shit IRL and on facebook.  xD

I will take the fact you think I look 12 as a compliment, might cause some complications for me when I am 16 in october and trying to get the ladies :P (If you don't know 16 is the legal age to "get lucky" in the UK).Also, did the thumbnail not clue you in?

Edited by Acebats

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