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glad to see you care about me so much that you took the time to upload my pic to your personal photobucket. Before you did that, you probably should've realized that I can easily look at the username in the URL and find all of your uploads. Some of this stuff you might not want out there, I'm just saying ;)

I have nothing to hide, a majority of those pictures are for NPPA (national paintball players association) which I used for my ID to get into and compete into tournaments. Its not like I have to hide behind a computer screen and act as if I'm cool but come off as a huge faggot.


It would also be PIP and staff would have an actual reason to ban someone no one likes but still seems to stick around and act like he has a giant dildo up his ass.


bitch please


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Kicked a kid down a flight of stairs.

Threw a pencil at a guy causing it to get lodged into his back.

Was eating lunch one time and a kid sliced another guy's head open with a pocketknife a few feet from me.

Wait shit his head? Did he die or get some kind of brain damage? 

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In my school some random guy ( adult ) walked into our school and stabbed one of the students.


In my first year someone was duck taped to a light post.

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I have nothing to hide, a majority of those pictures are for NPPA (national paintball players association) which I used for my ID to get into and compete into tournaments. Its not like I have to hide behind a computer screen and act as if I'm cool but come off as a huge faggot.


It would also be PIP and staff would have an actual reason to ban someone no one likes but still seems to stick around and act like he has a giant dildo up his ass.


bitch please



Now I remember why I voted yes on your app, demon! :P


Also, let's all look back on this wonderful picture




Xlite is now an SO, and you're....still a faggot, Kgame



EDIT: On topic, nothing huge ever happened at my school. Pregnancies, cat fights, fight fights, drug dealing. Y'know, standard fare for your average secondary educational institution in the good ol' US of A

Edited by Moflstomp.mp3

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When I was at lunch in high school, a naked kid wearing a spiderman mask ran across the cafeteria before getting tackled by a cop.

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Of course you would think this because my sister is Mormon.

I bet you secretly are too but don't like to talk about it.


Anyways, high school was boring. There were fights and other stuff, stupid cliques, drugs, etc. But nothing out of the ordinary. I preferred not being there. Didn't miss much and still got good grades. 


Although I do remember this one nasty chick that would always stick her hand in her pants, play with herself, smell her hand, then ask to go to the bathroom to go wash her hands.... Always grossed everyone out lol.


Oh and the best one - The one weird kid that calls himself the dragon slayer and wears trench coats and stuff gets this gf my junior year (he's a senior) they are found having sex in the band room. She had always been a seemingly goody-goody and was afraid what her parents would say and getting expelled, so calls rape so he gets arrested, and all that stuff. The following year we're graduating, he gets out, and they get back together. Nobody even bothers to question the rape allegation and if it wasn't true.

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One day my junior year an announcement came over the intercom that we were on a sort of "modified lockdown". While we were allowed to go on with our day normally, there was just increased security, etc. Apparently, in the field house by the track, someone found a "significant" amount of blood in the girl's bathroom and no one knew if someone had been stabbed or some crazy shit like that.


About 4 hours later, we found out that it was just two kids fucking out there and apparently the chick had a very heavy flow and didn't feel like cleaning up.

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Then you've got the occasional occurrences of when people feel like taking a shit in the sink, or girls wiping bloody tampons on the walls of the bathroom. 

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Really though:

School made national news for a machete attack in our parking lot.

A math teacher had a mental break down and started running down the hall weeping about how her dad molested her.

Taylor Swift attended my prom.

Those are about the only really notable things.

Edited by Goldentongue

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Did you fuck her? Did you at least try to fuck her?

Nope. I was too young to go the the prom the year it happened. It was part of some thing for MTV. Every facebook profile pic of everyone at my school who went for the next two months was of selfie shots with her.

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Then you've got the occasional occurrences of when people feel like taking a shit in the sink, or girls wiping bloody tampons on the walls of the bathroom. 

Why the fuck do girls do that? Is it some sort of territorial ritual?

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Nope. I was too young to go the the prom the year it happened. It was part of some thing for MTV. Every facebook profile pic of everyone at my school who went for the next two months was of selfie shots with her.

You should have tried to make it happen. Could have had some crappy country song written about you after you break up.




That's about the only really notable things.

This sentence seems off

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You should have tried to make it happen. Could have had some crappy country song written about you after you break up.

I looked like a total goober in early highschool. Had it been my senior year after I lost a ton of weight, maybe I would have had a tiny chance.


This sentence seems off

It is. Singular verb with a plural noun. I was too lazy to fix it unless someone called me on it. Edited by Goldentongue

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When we got our new principle my junior year, someone made a construction paper penis, like a good 5 feet long, and put his head as the tip. good times. what a warm welcoming..

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One time I met a kid who wasn't in any AP classes -- holy fuck.


But seriously -- two dudes having anal sex in that bathroom got caught by an administrator once. A funny -- but not so crazy -- thing that happened was one of my old friends got expelled. This middle schooler made fun of his girlfriend or something in front of him while we were waiting for the bus to pick us up and take us home. He threw the kid into the side of a moving bus. 

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Freshman year at my high school someone lit a bathroom fire to get out of a test. Since the school couldn't catch who did it they installed a ton of cameras and shit to catch people doing stuff like that. Junior year I had some stuff stolen off my bike and when I went to school security they told me that the cameras weren't facing the giant bike rack where everyone put their bikes but instead they were facing a tree about 30 feet away. A few months later someone started another bathroom fire and when they checked the cameras it turned out they were off during that time.


My school can't use cameras to save their life. 

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