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Carl Sagan

Only LOL video I will ever find entertaining

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Edit: Did I mention Carl Sagan has a cameo shot in the video? Because he does. You FAMOUS, Biatch!

Edited by Llethander

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I believe it was Reginald from TSM that got a triple kill last weekend, during the IPL faceoff.

As quoted from the commentary, "I've never seen so many cheer for someone spawning and then pressing R".

It was an awesome tournament.

Edited by Lindseth

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I believe it was Reginald from TSM that got a triple kill last weekend, during the IPL faceoff.

As quoted from the commentary, "I've never seen so many cheer for someone spawning and them pressing R".

It was an awesome tournament.

Bahahahah, that's awesome. Karthus FTW!

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