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Carl Sagan

FFA/Anarchy World

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I know i've been asking this for awhile so its time to make a thread. FFA/Anarchy/ pvp servers are extremely fun and since we can have multiple worlds on the same server I dont see why not. There are people who have been long bored of the creative aspects of the game, and the "survival" portion of smp is almost non-existant. Our hands are held with tombstones and people bitch about not having day 24/7. Whats the point of collecting diamonds if its just to mine more diamond?

No rules, no mercy. Factions will rise, friends will be betrayed, houses will be griefed. Everyone who right clicks the sign will know what they are getting themselves into.


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Probably too big of a change-up to actually happen, but IMO would be more fun. I got minecraft very early on in the alpha, and by now the novelty value of building big shit with lots of time and resources has worn off and Im left wondering why I do it anyway. BUT there is a fantastic middleground that can be had, if sG is willing to look into it.

http://minecraft-server-list.com/server/3116/ Look at that server, its features, its plugins etc. I used to be an avid player when it started up, most fun ive had in minecraft or I dare say any multiplayer server ever. Ill give some basics - You can make clans, for a price (economy plugins derp) which get their own protected piece of land the leader chooses (prefferably far away from any kind of spawn main spawn, but the clan members can set a /home in there) where no non-clan members can break shit. And the basic function of this land is for all the clans utilities - farms, mines etc, and of course their clan base, which serves a variety of functions. Protection of the clan chest, where they hold all their items which hold value, IE diamonds, diamond tools, weapons, armor, diamond diamonds, diamonds, and 10x more diamonds. You CAN have it so that clan members use the clan base for living functions as well ofc, so they have rooms, maybe underground, with all their own stuff.

Also ofc to look impressive, how big, powerful and determined your clan is often is shown in the base. With plugins you have switch operated drawbridges, gates etc. The clan chest would be in a pretty difficult to reach spot, a vault of sorts, but it HAS to be reachable to players outside the clan, so you cant just wall it off and break in when you need to grab shit, no, you'd want to make coded redstone locks.

Why all this defense? Well, theres clan raids and wars and such y'see, a clan is allowed to raid another clan, get into all their chests and steal all their shit. Clan wars of course, can entail, or be the cause of this. And everything really has a purpose here. You want diamonds because 1 diamond = 1000 gold in the economy system, which you can use for clan purposes as well as buying/selling resources in automated shops, as well as player run shops (land in the main city area for player shops is gained through winning some weekly...big tournament thing. Ehh, it explains on the site)

And yeah, thats a shitload of words I have down, but I think this type of server should be looked into, but beware, its heavily plugin-based, so it has lots of awesome features and RPG elements to it.

The site has all the details.

Edit: realized your just talking about another world, what Im talking about would probably mean a revamped or new server. Imma derp.

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Guest Horny©at

I'm all for it. Every time I play minecraft I ask my self where is the satisfaction anymore. I realize that once I build something it's onto build more stuff and there is no actual fun in it.

The idea of having factions and all that stuff sounds like something to look into, it gives people a purpose to be better at building and to be the best at defending ones property.

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Alright, We will give it a try, if it works out, then yay,

if it doesn't then we can just delete the world.

I'll set it up later today, make some general rules about not having rules, and then it's all yours

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