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Syndicate Gamers Digest Vol. 18 [6/21/2011]

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tex1an2 has informed me today that he is honorably stepping down from his SO position. Due to real life events, tex1an would like to step back from gaming and focus more on his life and asked the staff to perma ban him from the forums and remove his server officer posistion. He will still be an sG member. We will miss tex1an when he departs off into the real life. As a friend of tex1an2, I'd like to say goodbye to him personally and this short blurb was made to recognize his leave. Good luck on your future endeavors Ian!

- Mitch

Thank you, Mitch, for above. Just to let everyone know, I have just completed a rather stressful transition in my life. I moved! To beautiful, majestic Colorado. I requested to be banned from the forums during this time because I spend way too much time in general trolling away on these forums when I should be out looking for a new job, getting settled, etc.

I have settled & found a new job. Thankfully that new job doesn't start til August so I figured I'd rather play some games with you gents, rather than fap away my idle time. I don't intend nor wish to retain SO. Being a Server Officer is fun in it's own right, but it's a responsibility I've little time to see rightly done. I'd rather just play some TTT, JB & the new and exciting ZM w/o having assholes complain about being RDM'd constantly. Anyways, thanks all for the well-wishes, you gents are alright.


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Glad you are back and everything is going well for you man! I hope one day you step up to SO again but I understand what you are saying. TTT soon man, like goo' oooll' days ;P

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Ah maaaan :( Why do the servers have to move further away :( This is going to raise my ping again, maybe 170? It really sucks, guess I'd just need to live in the us.

European server would be cool! Been discussed years ago and we were close getting one.

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