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Syndicate Gamers Digest Vol. 18 [6/21/2011]

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Syndicate Gamers Digest Vol. 18 [6/21/2011]

What's up community? Here's a new digest, fresh from the Staff Offices - it's not a court case this time, :3. There's a lot going on, so feel free to read up!


sG | Complete Revamp!

Guys, it is my pleasure to announce that sG is going through some amazing changes within the next week or two! We are ditching our two current boxes and getting TWO more powerful boxes (at least a 150% improvement over what we have currently). Number two, Klark is currently working with the rest of the engineers on optimizing everything with the server software wise (i.e. making sure all the plugins are good, maps are good, sourcemod is smooth, just making everything fucking fantastic). On top of that, we are moving from our current datacenter in Washington, DC (which has been giving us spotty stability within the past few days - you guys have seen this through intermittent service on the servers, teamspeak and forums) to Dallas! We hope that the improvements in software, hardware and switching in location will help reduce ALL the issues we currently have with the servers (choking, sourcemod acting weird, lag spikes) and that these changes will help sG became a more professional and streamlined gaming community.

How this directly affects you:

  • Within the next couple days, ALL OUR SERVER IPs WILL SWITCH. This means that if you are currently connecting to our server and have us in your favorites as, they will not work anymore! We will give you guys an update on what our new IPs will be, but we strongly suggest you use jb.joinsg.net , ttt.joinsg.net , ze.joinsg.net , etc., (those custom subdomains currently route to our old IPs but they will be set to route to our new IPs when the time comes). This also includes Teamspeak!
  • Our servers will have less lag, run more smoothly and just be better for everyone! We have better hardware, a better location (and server provider), and optimized servers. Hopefully with all these improvements, everything will be able to run at tip-top shape.
  • We need your help to keep the servers populated! IP Changes have a tendency to hurt the server population, so please try to inform players on our servers of these changes. We need your help to make sure these changes go through smoothly, so please aid us by making sure the community knows of these changes - so when they happen our server population doesn't go down!

Zombie Escape has finished the switch. Other servers are set to move at:

Friday, June 24th, 2011 @ 5:00 PM PDT // 8:00 PM EST

At this time, the servers will slowly transistion from the old IPs and old box in DC to our new IPs and new box in Dallas. You will have interruptions in the connection to sG's servers, so we hope you bear with us while we make changes for the better! Remember, all other servers (and our website) will switch on June 25th at 5:00PM PDT.

We will try to keep you informed via the blog as well @ http://blog.joinsg.net


sG | Server Officer Surveys and Changes

SO Surveys are out! Take them here ( http://bit.ly/m1U6Px )!

tex1an2 has informed me today that he is honorably stepping down from his SO position. Due to real life events, tex1an would like to step back from gaming and focus more on his life and asked the staff to perma ban him from the forums and remove his server officer posistion. He will still be an sG member. We will miss tex1an when he departs off into the real life. As a friend of tex1an2, I'd like to say goodbye to him personally and this short blurb was made to recognize his leave. Good luck on your future endeavors Ian!

- Mitch

After the SO Surveys are released and analyzed, we will have a new round of SOs.

Current SOs:

  • JAILBREAK - Hotsauce, Thorgot, Meowmix, Papa Secretten, Skotti, n2f'wa, wind.exe, iherdcows, and Caterpi
  • TTT - Tubbles, Martyr Shu, n2f'wa, shotgunsnipa, Hotsauce, and J_Mafia
  • MINIGAMES, BHOP & CLIMB - Chaulket.Shake(Elmo), Gonepostal2000, iherdcows, and Chicago Ted
  • SURF - Don Danzone
  • ZOMBIE ESCAPE - Firefighter_DK
  • WCS - iyedol, EchoFourTwelve, Mimic, wind.exe, n2f'wa, Hotsauce, Aero, and Caterpi
  • DarkRP - Chicago Ted

Syndicate Gamers CSS League [season 1 - Again?]

The gaming league has received a new start! Clay and some of the staff are attempting to run the gaming league again this time around, go check out the gaming league subforum for more details! The current date that we are expecting to launch the gaming league is July 1st, so get a team and sign up quick! Good luck and have fun gaming!

ChosenOne's Poker Tourney

On behalf of C12K I would like to thank everyone who participated in the poker survey. Please continue to make comments so we can make improvements in the future. Its time again! SAT 25 June 7 CST/ 8 EST with a $25 iTunes Gift Card to be awarded to 1st place IF we receive 20+ players on game day. Keep watch for sign up details. If you are part of the poker club you will get an email. If you are not apart of poker club please visit: The Official Poker Club Thread

Logo/Motto Contest Status

Sorry for the delay guys, as you can see, the logo and motto contest is currently on the back burner. We will have logo decisions ready for you guys by June 25, 2011.


Once again, we have a few donators in the past month who have donated to this clan! Remember, every dollar counts - the more money we receive, the more things we can do to give back to the community donor.png.

The donation this period was made by:

JC4X4 donor.png - $30.00

cookies donor.png - $100.00

Rubber Johnny donor.png - $15.00

Please be sure to thank them!

If you would like to donate, you can do so here:


Admin Subscriptions and Supporter Packages

If you want to receive admin on our servers, want to help moderate our servers or simply help us every month with our bills, look into getting an admin subscription! Admin subscriptions are an easy way for the community to help support sG while getting lots of benefits.

The link to purchase an admin subscription is here:


Ranks and Recruitment (R&R)

On behalf of the Ranks and Recruitment Staff Team,


The new recruits are in! You guys know what that means ;). We have a busy month this time around for recruits (more recruits then usual) - so we definitely need your help in voting on all of our recruits. Good luck recruits!

Congrats to the May recruits who got in!

sG | Deadpool

sG | Jopo

sG | Frosted Butts

sG | Illogical

sG | skitt

sG | Jiyeon

sG | Christmas

sG | Sandy Balls

sG | Spell

sG | Mr. Big Shot

sG | Ace

Our recruits this month are:

sGr | PolloLoco

sGr | Phoenixx

sGr | GiaNNi`~

sGr | Datsan

sGr | JFK

sGr | Mr. Panda

sGr | Salv

sGr | Epicsauce

sGr | noobsteak

sGr | Ponder

sGr | Deofuta


Congratulations to all the following members on being promoted!


sG | Ben [E]

sG | Pebbz [E]

sG | Anonymous [E]

sG | Hatty [E]

Level 3:

sG | Firefighter_DK [sO|L3]

Level 2:

sG | Beerman [L2]

sG | Sportsteen583 [L2]

sG | Ivanns [L2]

sG | Someguy [L2]

sG | Tortoise [L2]

Thanks for reading guys,

Syndicate Gamers Staff.

PS Remember, if a server is down/has problems, shoot the techies an email at ( emergency@syndicate-gamers.net ) to get it resolved ASAP. Thanks guys!


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Sad to hear about texan but hey, good luck in life bro!

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First of all, thank you to all of donators - you guys are the life blood.

Second, congratulations to everyone who received promotions!

And lastly, I think our community has a very bright future, and it makes me very happy to hear about all of these improvements.

I wanna give a BIG thanks to everyone in the community. <3 you guys.

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I hope the server transition goes smoothly. Will both hosts be up for a bit to inform people of the change?

Yes sir.

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I see us becoming a huge gaming community one day with thousands of members.

We roughly have 450 sG members (including this months' recruits). I'd say at least between 100 and 200 of them are active, and another 100 of them come in and stop by every once in a while.

We have 9000 forum members, approximately 600 of you guys visit us on a weekly basis at least.

We have tens of thousands of people who have touched our servers, and a good thousand of them I'd say play our servers on a regular basis.

Just a little number crunching :3

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We roughly have 450 sG members (including this months' recruits). I'd say at least between 100 and 200 of them are active, and another 100 of them come in and stop by every once in a while.

We have 9000 forum members, approximately 600 of you guys visit us on a weekly basis at least.

We have tens of thousands of people who have touched our servers, and a good thousand of them I'd say play our servers on a regular basis.

Just a little number crunching :3

Seeing this makes me a bit more proud of being an sG member. ;)

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Excited about this transition, the random crashes have made Lego jail become boring...

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thanks for the congratulations guys! its awesome to FINALLY be in here after 5 attempts. it took me a lot of hard work to push through the shit storms and death threats and finally being accepted by people. now its time to take over and run this show XD ha jk but congrats to all the other new members too and good luck to all our current recruits!

as for texan, sad to see you go man. if you're reading this, message me man or gimme some way to keep in touch with you! good luck with you're life and I hope to see you back here once you find time!

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Thanks for the update. Congrats to all the new members. Hoping the stats will start working too <3 :)

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I need in, the servers are popular and the jb is a blast, just hope we dont lose some of the better players...

When is recruitment opening up?

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I need in, the servers are popular and the jb is a blast, just hope we dont lose some of the better players...

When is recruitment opening up?

Opens up for the first week of the month.

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Damn, sad to see Texan leave, but Its Real life before video games everytime!.

Also, congrats to my fellow new Members, and congratz to any upcoming recruits, as well as congratz to all the people who were promoted!

Server change will hopefully be a good thing. Cannot wait to be on new box, hopefully no more 50 second lag spikes!

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