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Replay Commentators

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Who do you guys like to watch commentate on replays?

I prefer Day9 cause it's not just a replay it's actually a bit of learning too.

I'll sometimes watch HDStarCraft if I'm caught up on Day9.

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I used to watch HD and Husky. Then I discovered Day9, and the GSL games (Artosis/Tasteless). Never watching HD or Husky again.

Second with Junzou

Husky is an idiot.

HD is marginally better than Husky. But he's still pretty bad.

Tbh if you've ever seen HDs live streams of him playing I have respect for the guy hes actually a very good player.

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Tbh if you've ever seen HDs live streams of him playing I have respect for the guy hes actually a very good player.

He's definitely improved over the last few months. He's still something like a C-level player tbh, but he's not terrible.

That doesn't make him a good caster though. He doesn't understand the game well enough to really explain or predict what's going on in the game. All he can really do is comment on what is currently happening. You can pretty much get the same amount of information out of his stream with the volume off as you can with it on. I actually stopped watching the HDH after a few games because the commentary was so bad. Half of what they said was just blatantly wrong and the other half was just screaming wildly about battles that we can see on the screen. HD and Husky also do a terrible fucking job of watching the mini-map and production tab, it's so frustrating when they focus all of there attention on some engagement or unit movement and they completely miss game-changing drops, counter-attacks, and tech paths.

To be fair, it's possible to be a pretty solid caster without being great at the game. Look at djwheat, Raelcun, and JP. They're all pretty average players but they still make decent casters. JP and djwheat do an excellent job working with another caster like Day[9] because they have strong general commentating skills and Day has crazy amounts of game knowledge. Raelcun doesn't particularly play any better than I do, but he watches a LOT of games and spends a LOT of time with some of the best players out there, so he has a really great understanding of the game.

However, the absolute best casters to learn from are the ones who play at very high levels. Day[9], Artosis/Tasteless, Gretorp, LZgamer, etc. These guys are the ones who can really explain what's going on in a game and WHY it's going on.

I think I'm going to make a stickied thread in this forum to compile tips and resources for getting better at SC2 soon and I'll list good streams/casters in there. For now, I'll just list a few that come to mind.

Day[9] - Obviously. His archive can be found HERE. He's also casting pretty much every single major tournament outside of Korea these days.

Artosis/Tasteless - Watch the GSL.

Gretorp - Runs a livestream. Hasn't casted in a few weeks because he's been at tournaments, but his analysis is incredible.

LZgamer - Livestreams his play on TL a lot. Really solid Terran.

Rigid54 - Zerg player who livestreams his play a lot. He's not featured on TL, so you have to look for him.

ICCUP.tv - Raelcun's channel. It's on like all the time, usually has great games with solid commentary.

Spades - Another solid terran. Not featured.

Cella - Holy Check!

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