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Networking Issues

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I believe I'm lagging in vent cause I hear someone for 3 seconds and then it just drops but they still show green on their little icon as if they are still talking.

I think the same issue is causing me not to view certain websites like http://rpg-exploiters.com/guides-strategies/starcraft-2-terran-strategy-best-counters-vs-protoss-units/ without taking like 5mins to load

I have no idea what's causing this issue I haven't changed my firewall or router. I've even directly connected my computer to my router basically when it usually goes through my switch and that didn't change anything. I just did a virus scan the other day and haven't downloaded anything since that's even set off anything.

Anyone have any ideas?

Updated info: I've also tried both Firefox(main) and IE and that particular website didn't load in record breaking time. 2) I use a specific program to do my downloads and I can get my maximum download speed out of it no problem and I don't have any lag while I play CSS either...

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what is your upload and download speeds? also i have completely switched to chrome for my browser needs. it is better than firefox cuz it doesn't eat all your ram like firefox does, one time i left firefox open for a few hours, came back and it was using 1.5 gigs of ram just idleing. fuck that shit

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