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Suggestion for Maps

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1) Is it possible to change the default starting map from dust2 to something else, just to change it up for the once in a while it crashes?

2) Is it possible to make RTV select a random map and that way we aren't always selecting the same 5 maps we always play?

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1) Is it possible to change the default starting map from dust2 to something else, just to change it up for the once in a while it crashes?

2) Is it possible to make RTV select a random map and that way we aren't always selecting the same 5 maps we always play?

but, but... dust2 owns D:

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It does but after so much its good for a little change, like there's 3 versions of Dust 2 on that server.

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The rtv thing is stupid, let the people choose, if they choose stupid maps, then troll them and tell them to get cool and pick a better map. It is possible to change the default starting map. I don't care enough. Dust 2 is 1337. It will be interesting to see what yiyas will have to say

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It does but after so much its good for a little change, like there's 3 versions of Dust 2 on that server.

yeah, the night one is just usless. its just dark, OOOOOO! and the unlimited one isnt bad. but nothin bets good ol plain dust2! :D

---------- Post added at 10:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:01 PM ----------

The rtv thing is stupid, let the people choose, if they choose stupid maps, then troll them and tell them to get cool and pick a better map. It is possible to change the default starting map. I don't care enough. Dust 2 is 1337. It will be interesting to see what yiyas will have to say


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I have a suggestion.

Make the round limit for maps 15-20, turn off RTV, and keep the rotation going through EVERY map in the server.

However, each map should be voted on in the forums. Like put every map on a big vote, let people vote for more than one, and then keep all the maps that have 50% or more votes of the highest voted map.

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However, each map should be voted on in the forums. Like put every map on a big vote, let people vote for more than one, and then keep all the maps that have 50% or more votes of the highest voted map.

You're asking for it right there. All the idiots will vote for the four maps we always play, and we'll lose any chance to play the good ones. XD

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