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FFA Revival for 1 day?

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Nope. We can not allow trolling on these forums of any sort as it may hinder and jeopardize the integrity this clan has strived so long to attain and maintain. Doing such a thing would only bring the trolls out to continue trolling. Don't do it. Bad idea. Real bad idea.

No. I don't think that doing this is a good idea. God forbid someone posts something troll worthy. Go on, tell me it won't happen. Even if you could stop it, it will be uncontrollable. Resist the temptation to open FFA again.

End of PSA.

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No it wont, I bet you are one of those people too who believe taking legally owned weapons away from regular people is a step towards a safer community. Tool

Nope. I believe that people should always retain the right to bear arms. People should be able to own their own guns to defend themselves. Besides, a gun isn't a tool of destruction until it's held in the wrong hands.

Learn about your targets before accusing about things you don't know about the person.

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Nope. We can not allow trolling on these forums of any sort as it may hinder and jeopardize the integrity this clan has strived so long to attain and maintain. Doing such a thing would only bring the trolls out to continue trolling. Don't do it. Bad idea. Real bad idea.

No. I don't think that doing this is a good idea. God forbid someone posts something troll worthy. Go on, tell me it won't happen. Even if you could stop it, it will be uncontrollable. Resist the temptation to open FFA again.

End of PSA.

cant tell is serious...

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He's not, but you thought he was so.....you got trolled.

He can tell, but you thought he could not....you got trolled.

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if you were serious, you would just open the FFA back up for good. what the fuck is a day?

I was completely serious about throwing that thread in there and opening it up for just a taste of trolling, but Coin and Jason shut me down. I was sad.

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I was completely serious about throwing that thread in there and opening it up for just a taste of trolling, but Coin and Jason shut me down. I was sad.

You scared to get infraction points?

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Meh, my opinion is valid Junzou. You're just not seeing the other side of the story. Do we really need something to vent out our troll when trolling itself isn't necessary to function in the forums?

I'd say that removing the FFA is a step forwards to building a better community. It will remove the people in the clan that only raged in the FFA and other parts of the sections. It will also reinforce that trolling and flaming will be taken more seriously and that we have less tolerance for it now.

It is indeed a step forward so if you really want to rage, just vent it on CS:S by killing a few.

Way to take this way too seriously.

Besides, a gun isn't a tool of destruction until it's held in the wrong hands.

Same with words.

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Meh, I'm serious about most stuffs. I really don't goof off in the forums aside from shoutbox. I may goof off time from time on CS:S but I think it's better to remain focused on hand on the topic of the thread.

So sorry that I come across as being too serious. I've already stated my opinion so I shall not be posting anymore here.

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