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Buffing Bash

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Hi guys just started to play this server often again and realized very fast that bash was nerfed. I Believe that bash currently is considerably underpowered and needs to be buffed. I mean people need something to compete with all these long-jump races and zombies etc. I think this will help people to stop whoring the most common races such as cherion, succubus, keeper and other races like that. I Mean when this server goes to dust 2 compound or Aztec i think 90% of the people go to a long-jump race and frankly I'm a little tired and believe things need to be spiced up a bit. I think bash should go back as it used to be or at-least a little buff. Would be happy to see all your opinions

Thanks, BoB

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Really because i was told by multiple people that it was nerf ma by its my imagination but human gen didn't use to bash for 0000.1 seconds -_-.

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Actually, after some consideration, I'd rebuff Human Gen's bash just a teeny bit. It used to be very powerful because it had a very high proc bash and pacifism (which also proc'ed a lot, and at the MOST INOPPORTUNE TIMES for the opponent). I don't know how pacifism works anymore, but it should be like Outlaw's pacify, which seems to be great. I guess I would have to know the current Human Gen bash rates to make a numbers judgement, though.

Also, while we're talking about Bash, I'm going to mention this here - AK Sniper's bash (through Random Bullets) is pretty much useless. The only random bullet that does any good, to my knowledge, is fire - acts as a visual marker for invisible enemies and as a slow from the constant damage. The bash is supposed to be 0.5 seconds, but it's either so short that I don't see the effect or doesn't work at all.

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Uhhm don't think so. I know I changed it on human general cause it was going off more often than not but thats bout it.

Yeah but you changed the core files which effects how bash works. All the values are don't work as well as they used to because the chances fire like they were supposed to and not how they actually worked.

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