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Hi guys haven't played since a while back just had a couple questions about bash?

1) Did it get nerfed?

2) which race now has the most bash

3) Does human have a higher chance to bash then human general?


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I think human gen has a higher chance to stun, but reg human's bash is longer (also seem that human gen's bash doesn't always stop them while the reg human's bash does)

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Human gen's bash got seriously nerfed. I played it for the first time in quite some time and it was pretty terribad, the proc rate was really low. Also, human gen gets these blue lines coming out of the gun, which makes it hard to aim properly - sometimes the blue lines come out and I think I bashed the guy, but I really didn't.

For a regular rifle race I think Human has the best bash altogether, IMO. Glock Monster might have a better bash but IDK, really.

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glock monster has the same proc rate, but it lasts longer ( i think), so while bursting (3 shots) it can proc quite easily and therefore you're almost always frozen

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