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Man Kicks Puppy(Not for puppy lovers)

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that shit is heartless. not only did he just kick the dog, but he used it's puppyness against it. he call it over all cute and shit and when it jumps up to get petted he kicks the fuck outta it. straight heartless, worse part is this shit goes on all the time, only a few are caught (on video) like this wanker.

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It saddens me to see people treating harmless animals like this.. they should be taken out back and shot for being the heartless pieces of shit they are.

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While I don't approve of the kicking, I still can't understand how more people can get upset about this than over a death of a human being.

For example, a long time ago maybe 4 years ago, a guy was caught throwing his dog out of an apartment building's window on the 10th floor. There was a HUGE uproar about this with all the animal rights activists going apeshit and this guy went to prison for a long time. BUT, a little African child was murdered in her home the same day, gets put on page 12 of the newspaper and the killer gets a lighter sentence than the guy who threw out the dog.

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While I don't approve of the kicking, I still can't understand how more people can get upset about this than over a death of a human being.

For example, a long time ago maybe 4 years ago, a guy was caught throwing his dog out of an apartment building's window on the 10th floor. There was a HUGE uproar about this with all the animal rights activists going apeshit and this guy went to prison for a long time. BUT, a little African child was murdered in her home the same day, gets put on page 12 of the newspaper and the killer gets a lighter sentence than the guy who threw out the dog.

mankind (most at least) have a soft spot for animals, especially domesticated animals. they see them as 100% kind hearted animals who can do no wrong, so seeing someone hurt a cute little puppy gets everyone upset.

i'm not going to lie i hate to see that shit, but like u said way worse happens to a defenseless kid everyday, but it happens so much that it's not as much of a shock.

there is some quote from a song that i may add later but i'm too lazy right now.

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I couldn't watch the whole ting, one the dog jumped up to get petted and he kicked it again I had to stop.

Whats a fucking dick. Nothing will happen to him though, the laws on animal cruelty are so lack its ridiculous. He'll probably just get a hefty fine and probation, unless he has a rap-sheet already.

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mankind (most at least) have a soft spot for animals, especially domesticated animals. they see them as 100% kind hearted animals who can do no wrong, so seeing someone hurt a cute little puppy gets everyone upset.

i'm not going to lie i hate to see that shit, but like u said way worse happens to a defenseless kid everyday, but it happens so much that it's not as much of a shock.

there is some quote from a song that i may add later but i'm too lazy right now.

Well said.

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More important question: Why is Dankfrank still listed as a recruit, his application was denied.

People seem to not be doing their jobs. *tisk* *tisk* Im bout to Rage all over this forum!!!!!!

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