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Staff Positions

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There's not much you gain by becoming a staff member. You're given a specific responsibility and expected to hold your position in a professional manner. You recieve admin on all servers to keep players and other admins following the rules.

The way staff positions have been given out in the past had a lot to do with friends and ass kissing. There's no need for me to explain that, you all know how it worked. This thread is a change to that. I'm looking for active community members interested in filling some postions. It doesn't matter how long you've been in the community. Your activity and maturity weigh the most in this game.


pay bills, analyze income, generate reports, manage subscribers, and all other financial matters.


deal with all server and forum related matters.


recruitment, ranking, and all other community matters.


attend to complaints, moderate forums / ventrilo, member discipline.

Simply send me a PM explaining why you're interested and for what positions. I'll review your message and it will be discussed with the current staff members.

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I would really like to work in the recruitment process, because The recruitment thing has been really neglected lately and I feel like I would do a really great job with that. Plus I am ALWAYS on the forums. So anything with the forums would be good for me.

And also, There are recruits who's revote was the 26th and nobody has voted on them.

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Hey heard that you all are looking for a new ADV and i believe that i would be a great asset to the UV community, because i do all i can to keep the servers from getting out of hand and keep hackers from ruining the servers. Also i have admin in 3 servers and working hard and good. I have many people who respect me and like me. I hope that you will put me in for ADV.

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Hi I was in the marines can I be an Advisor?

you there?

Hey heard that you all are looking for a new ADV and i believe that i would be a great asset to the UV community, because i do all i can to keep the servers from getting out of hand and keep hackers from ruining the servers. Also i have admin in 3 servers and working hard and good. I have many people who respect me and like me. I hope that you will put me in for ADV.

I never though I'd say this again, but... Thank you, Junzou. I thoroughly enjoyed that.

inb4 Howard or one of his cock-sucking comrades tell me not to post in threads that are irrelevant to me.

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Hobo, I sent Coin a PM with the same message.

Also, can I have free admin? I'm a marine. If you say no, then I'm going to call you unamerican, because you are not being nice to a veteran.

I never though I'd say this again, but... Thank you, Junzou. I thoroughly enjoyed that.

Bury the hatchet y/n?


On second thought, calling Hobo unamerican wouldn't make sense, because he is in fact Canadian. So nevermind. I'll call Coinstar unamerican instead. or Church.

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Hey guys, Ive had admin for 3 days and there hasnt been any complaints about me (except those two but it was because they were jealous of me). Can I have advisor because Id be a real asset to the clan.

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