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[updated: 9-07]

The Mad Scientist

- There is a bug with the ultimate. While its in use, it increases your gravity (reduces jump height), but it does not reset your gravity after it wears off. While it's initially hard to notice if you have levitation maxed out (unless you're trying for a really close jump), if you don't have any points in levitation it's absolutely crippling.

- The devotion aura-type ability could use a little bit of a boost maybe, since the race doesn't pack a whole lot of punch, just distortion and shaking.

- Otherwise the race seems fine.

Ice Man

- Freeze is actually ok. Maybe even very slightly underpowered. The graphical effect for it is really annoying though.

- Don't really notice the damage boost all that much.

- Ice armor is making people teleport. This is not a good thing.

- Flying as an ultimate never really struck me as a great thing. All it really gives you is the ability to do aerial shotgun raids (since no other gun is accurate at all while airborne) and the ability to find really lame places to camp. Maybe if it gave you a real quirk while flying instead of just a little HP it would be better, but if you weren't careful you'd end up with a bunch of people flying around with shotguns .-.

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EDIT: 9/15

Keep the triceratops and change it's ultimate so its similar to the elixir of madness on a mad scientist (temporarily speed boost) so it actually have a chance... maybe we can change the stampede to a slap every bla bla bla seconds (10?) and keep the shake... then we can see it from there...


Then the Lasso on a cowboy can be changed to slow otherwise a root (I mean seriously... you've seen people struggling in the lasso whip giving a hard time for a cowboy to move em right?) at a REALLY small chance like 10% tops for around 2 - 4 seconds


The Lich can completely bury someone into the ground and I've done it to peter pan... (can't even see their head) and maybe we should make it so that they get out after xxx amount of time... I mean seriously what if you get stuck somewhere impossible to get out or be seen regardless?


EDIT: 9/16

Healer ultimate is bugged. For every person around you take that and multiple it and plus 25 and thats how much you heal to yourself. Other teammates heal normal amount though.


EDIT: 9/17


1.Paralyze needs to be nerfed down a bit cause even at 1 second you can hit them before they move resulting in death... cause at a long distance they cant hear you

2.Pikachu still needs yellow!!!

3. Marine sniper and nova needs something to indicate when you get disguise...

EDIT: 9/19

1. Torch by now you should know its in need of nerfing

2. If the beast's resurrect is bugged it should just be removed completely

3. Zeus lightning ._.

4. Priestess still has that random +50 dmg thing every once in awhile ._.

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Volcanic Warrior

Magma Cloak: Ridiculous Amount of health should be nerfed to about 150 or 175. Speed Should be reduced to about 1.50.

Volcanic Eruption: Looks good only create 2 at max lvl and 18 damage per sec.

Continental Drift: Good no bugs so far.

Lava Spill: Doesn't seem to work I really hoped it did =(

Overall Opinion- This race is currently cheap with health once the health is ducted and speed a bit it should be a fine race.


Pickachu Power: Way to much speed to the point where it is so hard to control. Gravity seems fine.

Freeze: Deja vu with eddie maiden again.

Immune: Yet to try.

Thunder: Yet to try.

Overall Opinion- Race is cheap enuf said.

Priestess of the Moon

Hide: Invisibility is good and not to hard to see.

Scout: Seems to work just fine.

Trueshot Aura: Damage needs to nerf abit it sometimes hope from 4+ damage to 100+

Searing Arrows: It says u have been hit by burning blade, but does not set them on fire if suppose to.

Overall Opinion- Good race just trueshot needs to do about 10-20 extra damage instead of random damage.


Bank: Works fine but I think it is pretty considering the fact that ppl can just buy tomes to lvl that race up.

Ass Kicker: Works.


Sacrafice: Does not work needs to be fixed.

Poison Potion: does not work


Healing Wards: They don't heal.

Defensive Hp: Works not over powered

Poison Sting: Works like a charm

Healing ultimate: Does not work


Cheap ass race the drop ur weapons thing i have died from a ton of times

Flash Freeze

Probably as most of u know the ultimate is gay

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<div align='center'><span style="font-family:Arial Black">Alchemist

-"Poison" spams opponent's screen with green and text.

-"Poison" heals over time, instead of dealing damage.

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Agent of shield-

Need to make it so it can't pick up rifles/smgs/snipers like flame pred.

Volcanic warrior-

It's Magma cloak either needs to be toned down to about 150 hp. My idea for this race is if its not too much trouble, make it a pistols only race like agent of shield and keep its speed and 300 hp, this way it will differ from other races such as undead. I was playing with only pistols as volcanic warrior and it didnt seem too overpowered.

Lava spill seems to work once in a while but not very often even when its maxed, seems like a weaker version of undeads suicide bomb.

Pikachu- should have its speed taken down

I also agree its stun skill should be made into the humans bash.

The lightning ultimate cooldown should be increased by about 5 seconds.



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I didnt get much to play today but this is what I found on the few races I played.

Pikachu- Is green which helps camo in dark places and corners etc. If it was turned yellow it would be easy to see and help nerf is a little. Its speed is also jacked 160% sounds right at maxed but for some reason it goes from 170& - 270& which is completly retarded. The immune is all werid everytime someone shoots you it says it blocks the special. It also rapes you with spam considerably even though your not getting ultimate. Eddy Murphy #2, The freeze is retarded as in you cant see nothing when it activates, bash would also be gay if it was changed to that so im not sure what to do with it. The chain lighting seems reasonable long range which is lika pikachu it fits him well.

Neve- This is just something on the new ultimate for neve sometimes when I hit the ultimate button it doesnt activate? wtf? Then I think im invisible when im not then get blasted in the face.

Volcanic Warrior: Everything seems good cept the massive amount of HP (300) and it speed could be nerfed a tiny bit. Serpant Ward is fine.

Shadow Hunter: Need to fix the serpant ward maybe 3 sounds good or copy the one from volcanic warrior. since thats one of his main abilities in wc3.

Agent Of S.H.I.E.L.D: Looks good as far as im concerned I didnt see anything wrong with it or it wasnt too over powered.

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Just started testing Alchemist out. The poison Potion heals enemies instead of doing a DoT. Hopefully this can get fixed soon because this is one of the main abilities.

HolyJuggernauts rhino charge is still broken, I'm not sure if it is still slowing enemies down or not. Im sure others have reported this but you lose you shotgun clip when you buy armor. Maybe he could spawn with armor to fix this?

Klades had some neat ideas on JihadJoe, I feel this class could use some type of speed boost, especially if you are trying to nade enemies at close range and you don't want to annihilate yourself. Maybe he could have some sort of trap ability? That may be too overpowered, not sure though.

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=(UV)= Kelso |JCS|

Jihad Joe(JJ)

-I haven't seen Suicide Bomber work, but that's my personal note.

-The nade crit. is okay, just needs to be toned down a BIT.

-Napalm needs to occur more.

-This race needs some sort of speed increase, not much though.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div>

"skill1_setting" "es_xsetinfo wcs_speed 0.8|es_xsetinfo wcs_speed 0.9|es_xsetinfo wcs_speed 1.0|es_xsetinfo wcs_speed 1.3"

"skill1_cmd" "es es_xkeygetvalue wcs_tmp WCSuserdata event_var(userid) speed;es es_xif (server_var(wcs_tmp) > server_var(wcs_speed)) then es_xsetinfo wcs_speed server_var(wcs_tmp);es es_xkeysetvalue WCSuserdata event_var(userid) speed server_var(wcs_speed);es est_Speed event_var(userid) server_var(wcs_speed)"

"skill1_sfx" "es es_xgetplayerlocation wcs_x1 wcs_y1 wcs_z1 event_var(userid);es est_effect 10 #a 0 sprites/strider_bluebeam.vmt server_var(wcs_x1) server_var(wcs_y1) server_var(wcs_z1) 200 500 3 500 500 0 148 148 141 255 10;es es_xgetplayerlocation wcs_x1 wcs_y1 wcs_z1 event_var(userid);es est_effect 11 #a 0 sprites/strider_bluebeam.vmt server_var(wcs_x1) server_var(wcs_y1) server_var(wcs_z1) 3 3 255"

Try that for the speed, I dunno if it'll work. It should though, taken from the race "Agent". The speed isn't quite the same, I simply just divided it by 2. Oh, and make the name whatever you like... just not something retarded. Call it Suicidal Adrenaline or something.


-Name is wrong, a very easy fix.

-Speed needs to be toned down.

-The freeze is too flashy, simply rip the freeze from some other race.

-Hm, when I had level 1 lightning or whatever, using it when no enemies were nearby it targeted me, doing no damage, but temporarily freezing me.

Volcanic Warrior(VW)

-The Cloak is fixed, nice.

-The shake is fine...

-I didn't see the ultimate happen yet again, but it might just be me.

-Hm, seeing as how the Serpent Ward is there... here's a thought:

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div>

Damage: 12

Range: 6-15 ft.

Lasting Time: 10 seconds

Amount: 3

Delay in between hits: 1.3 seconds

If all goes well, and it's liked, apply that to Shadow Hunter as well.

Holy Juggernaut(HJ)

-Nerf the ammo on the auto-shotty so it's 100

-The ultimate makes you slow as hell...

-Health is fine I think

-Like all the others said, the rez is messed up.

-The ultimate seems a bit extreme, it should just be speed as a get away.

-Buying armor makes your auto-shotty have normal rounds.


-The "Bank" skill needs to be nerfed. Make it only about 2000. Because in a starting round perspective, $1000 starting cash, +3000$ = $4000... which means if someone wanted, a Tome of Health.

-Wow, the slap on this puppy is stupid. Too effective, and the damage per slap should be divided by 2.

-The creator spelled "Disguise" wrong...

-Again with the bank skill, your money can go over the average $16000 cap. If you survive enough rounds, you can have up to 32k... Tomes of Health whoring to the extreme. You could have 900 health. Wow.

Priestess of the Moon(PotM)

-This race is fine, except the Trueshot Aura needs to do a tad less damage.

Eye of Ra(EoR)

-This should definitely not be a high level race, it's basically PotM's visibility on attack skill.

-EDIT: Summon has a 10 second cool down, making this race one of the most overpowered of all. The cool down needs to be reduced to 30 seconds or something.

Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

-If you die with a primary weapon by picking it up off the ground, the next round you can do "re-buy previous", and get it back.

-The drop weapon thing is a nuisance, and can make you win a fight easily if you have a primary weapon. It needs a chance, not a positive, 100% chance every time. Or the range needs to be lowered or something.

-Everything else works pretty good and is balanced I think.

Night Elf

-Hm, I think this race either needs some sort of stealth, or some sort of speed to make it be like PotM.

-Other than that, A-okay!

Orcish Horde

-Hm, this race is getting played much more, in regard to that, I think that this race needs a tone down on the Critical Strike. Seriously, I've gotten +404 damage on a head shot...


-This race is extremely good with automatic weapons, or any weapons for that matter. Tone the damage on it down just a bit...

-The ultimate is a bit useless, as I'm not even too sure what it does. D:

Shadow Hunter

-Like I said earlier, if the wards on VW go good, apply them to this race.

-Wards work now, but if you go beyond the second skill level, it doesn't work.


-Healing Wards don't work, possibly this is the answer?

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div>


-Fixed the code for Jihad Joe speed.

-Updated Eye of Ra.

-Updated Holy Juggernaut.

-Updated Shadow Hunter.

-Added Healer.

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Jihad Joe--- It's perfect its pretty good but rushing into a group of people is suicide...

Pikachu--- It's good after it's speed is nerfed biggrin.gif mabey should turn the guy yellow and not green?

Volcanic Warrior-- Everything seems balanced now that it's been nerfed yea and the ultimate is just like undead it rarely happens tongue.gif

Holy Juggernaut---Everything but the ultimate seems fine to me..+50 hp for $50 at maxed lvl every 15 seconds is kind of lame..turns you into a tank biggrin.gif I easily got 300 hp, lost it to about 100 and got it up to 300 again in one or two rounds....tweak that a bit?

Nova--- The disguise skill doesn't work as often as it says, I only got disguised once in 10 rounds..either the raceinfo is wrong or the stats are...and adding to what Kelso said about this race..no you couldn't whore tomes of hp because the limit is one..isn't it? biggrin.gif

Priestess of the Moon---Everything but Trueshot Aura is perfect biggrin.gif lower the damage mabey or make it chance on hit to do more damage

Alchemist---If it hasnt been fixed yet, the healing effect when shot doesnt occur when you have poison potion, I think it's sacrifice because I heard about the glitch so I didn't get poison potion I only got the hp+ on the first few levels and when I got sacrifice some guy started complaining about the glitch so I figured it must have been sacrifice..other than that its pretty cool tongue.gif another 200 health race

....I only pointed out the bad parts of the races there's plenty of good things about the new races, I just thought it was duty as beta tester to point out the bad things biggrin.gif Everyone should thank Fox for getting these new races...working his ass off each week so we can have more fun in the server.....btw I'm an emote whore so laugh at all those smileys you see...

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I have football practice so I can only do 1 race at a time. Starting with...


Pickachu Power: I think they nerfed the speed of this don't see a lot of difference and possibly not worth wasting 8 skill points for.

Freeze: A race has to have some power doesn't it?

Immune: A little bit unfair. Make it so that like only 50% or 30% of the time your immune to enemy ultimates.

Thunder: Fair, just be sure to make the cooldown the same as orc (didn't check if they were same)

Overall: It's a decent race not too overpowered and not too weak. Do something about the speed of the race (like undead speed that's good) and also the color.....Green? C'mon

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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Cloud¤A-Bot @ Aug 21 2007, 01:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

I have football practice so I can only do 1 race at a time. Starting with...


Pickachu Power: I think they nerfed the speed of this don't see a lot of difference and possibly not worth wasting 8 skill points for.

Freeze: A race has to have some power doesn't it?

Immune: A little bit unfair. Make it so that like only 50% or 30% of the time your immune to enemy ultimates.

Thunder: Fair, just be sure to make the cooldown the same as orc (didn't check if they were same)

Overall: It's a decent race not too overpowered and not too weak. Do something about the speed of the race (like undead speed that's good) and also the color.....Green? C'mon

Agreed. I Just started playing It today ... I also (Like Cloud) Are Only Able To Play A little A Day ... School from 8am-1pm and then work from 2pm-6pm ... long day lol ... But yeah I think they should be a Light Yellow Color … Something like Beast .... Also I played Agent Shield Today (level 10)... What’s Up with that Race? It needs to be Upgraded A lot ... Not a good race at all ... The only good thing it has is the drop weapons and that’s a gay skill and people get pissed ..... But that’s all I have played so far ... Will get back with you the more I find ;P

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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (TimeToDie @ Aug 21 2007, 06:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

Agreed. I Just started playing It today ... I also (Like Cloud) Are Only Able To Play A little A Day ... School from 8am-1pm and then work from 2pm-6pm ... long day lol ... But yeah I think they should be a Light Yellow Color … Something like Beast .... Also I played Agent Shield Today (level 10)... What’s Up with that Race? It needs to be Upgraded A lot ... Not a good race at all ... The only good thing it has is the drop weapons and that’s a gay skill and people get pissed ..... But that’s all I have played so far ... Will get back with you the more I find ;P

i know im not a tester, but agent of shield race is really really bad, the skills are really bad and you cant even buy a primary weapon. the only really good skills is the slap, and it has a pretty low chance from what ive seen. the bullet steal thing is ok, the extended clip is not worth even putting points into

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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Rizan @ Aug 21 2007, 07:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

i know im not a tester, but agent of shield race is really really bad, the skills are really bad and you cant even buy a primary weapon. the only really good skills is the slap, and it has a pretty low chance from what ive seen. the bullet steal thing is ok, the extended clip is not worth even putting points into

They are not suppose to have primary weapons but agreed the chances of some of the skills to work is rare.

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You know, I had a thought. If it's not too much trouble, could there be some kind of changelog posted, maybe in the first post of this topic, so that we can know when changes occur and what they are? Doesn't even have to be that detailed, just something to know when a skill has been altered and needs to be reevaluated.

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Regarding the healer class, the healing wards do not appear to function at all. I know I was telling you about this earlier fox, I am not sure if this has been fixed yet or not. Agree with Klades, a changelog would be very helpful.

Jihad Joe: It appears that create bomb randomly stops making nades sometimes. I am not sure what is causing this. I was told there is a limit to the nades that are created but I am not sure if this is true or not. If it is then it should probably be taken out as this is imperative to this class. Also, a few people had suggested a multi-throw ability, being able to toss out more than one nade at once would be very cool for this class.

I believe I mentioned this before, but I think a speed boost added to the fanaticism skill would be very nice as well.

Agent of the Shield aka Outlaw: The disarm ability is ludicrously overpowered. I dont know what else to say about this.

Flame Predator: I still think the speed needs to be put back to normal, many people do not want to play this class anymore which is very unfortunate.

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Well I'm not a beta tester..

and it aint beta test, but i dont think neve should be able to defuse while invisible =\

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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Dread @ Aug 24 2007, 12:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

Well I'm not a beta tester..

and it aint beta test, but i dont think neve should be able to defuse while invisible =\

I is not that hard to kill a neve when defusing and invisible he can only stay in one spot

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Neve's cooldown on ultimate now is like 20-25 seconds, this makes the ultimate useless, so either the cooldown needs to be lowered or you need to not drop the guns when you go invisible imo.

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Guest Silent Assassin

Guys is it possible to sort out the rez on the RPG race? Can you not add the code from orc or something?

Also, on Pikachu it is jumping stupidly far, and the race is un-stoppable in the right hands.

Also, Nebula Nerf? The ultimate a 1 hit KO at max? Stupid or what?

Thanks guys

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Well, the scout race seems fine to me, the long jump is a little bugged and sometimes it doesnt work.

Iceman defiantly needs to be worked out since the ultimate doesnt work at all.

I think we can all agree that all the new beta races need better explanations on what they do.

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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Sizzler @ Sep 1 2007, 08:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

Well, the scout race seems fine to me, the long jump is a little bugged and sometimes it doesnt work.

Iceman defiantly needs to be worked out since the ultimate doesnt work at all.

I think we can all agree that all the new beta races need better explanations on what they do.

iceman doesnt work but

Long jump works fine.

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I posted in that other thread about how I would be able, and happy to rewrite all the descriptions for the races, and items.

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Found out the iceman glitch.

It seems as though the ultimate was replaced with a retarded skill that teleports you towards the guy your shooting like at a 80% rate.

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