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Screw you coinstar!!!

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I put over $30 in change in that bitch and I got my fuggin ticket.

Then I went to the cashier and gave her my ticket.

She scanned it and it said that my ticket had already been redeemed.

So I was like "wtf!"

Bitch told me to go ask this other bitch.

Asked the other bitch.

She couldn't do anything about it, so she told me to come back in the morning.

Now I'm pretty sure they're gonna screw me over tomorrow when I go back.

Any suggestions?

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I put over $30 in change in that bitch and I got my fuggin ticket.

Then I went to the cashier and gave her my ticket.

She scanned it and it said that my ticket had already been redeemed.

So I was like "wtf!"

Bitch told me to go ask this other bitch.

Asked the other bitch.

She couldn't do anything about it, so she told me to come back in the morning.

Now I'm pretty sure they're gonna screw me over tomorrow when I go back.

Any suggestions?

Why the hell are you to lazy to count your coins yourself?

You realize you lose like 7.5% to that stupid machine?

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Why the hell are you to lazy to count your coins yourself?

You realize you lose like 7.5% to that stupid machine?


but still that was like $2.80, doesn't really bother me that much, i just dont have 6 pounds of change anymore

I went back this morning and got angry and they gave me my money.

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Why the hell are you to lazy to count your coins yourself?

You realize you lose like 7.5% to that stupid machine?

At some banks that fee is waived.

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