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Guest Relic

What happened here is Phoenix2 forced us to be stronger about our promises and commitments, and as much fun as he was to have around sometimes, his ban was long overdue. P2 made this community stronger by finally relinquishing control of Paypal and the Servers, and we had to come to the table with something too.

This is quite funny. I am pretty sure the punishment for this information gathering crap you have all been doing was a ban.

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I have only ever done one thing wrong. I owned up to it and was forgiven. I have never been a troll or anything like that. This is just an attempt to appease P2 so that the transfer of the paypal funds goes along smoothly. Don't try to cover it up.

Honestly, I liked you. You were one of the first people in this community that I called my friend; trolling CC90 wouldn't have been anywhere near as fun without you. But you attacked this community and you're getting punished for it.

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This is quite funny. I am pretty sure the punishment for this information gathering crap you have all been doing was a ban.

He didn't violate the policy as it stood 2 days ago. If someone does it again, it's a ban.

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As most of you know I'm not one to post in forums much, but I feel compeled to say......TF2 SERVERS FUCK YEAH!!!!!1!!!11!!!1!!!!!!111!!!111!!!11 That and im gald to see the P2 incident was resolved in a good way, and that I can see I made a good choice for a CS:S clan. And finally in the time it took me to read the P2 incident thread I went from having no opinion on P2 to hating him to loving him. And now I'm going to finish eating my 12 hour old Burger King food, then decide what game I want to play.

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