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Suggestion for CSS Pro replacement

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Originally posted in this thread: http://www.undeadvengeance.com/forums/inde...showtopic=17562

Originally posted by Perk

To me atleast, I play WCS for the fun of it and the fact that it's different from normal CSS. When people with maxed out races are forced to change race to something that brings back the "boredom" (if you wish) of regular CSS, they either leave, or suck, lol.

My suggestion would be a replacement race for CSS pro, with say 100 levels for 5-8 different skills, but every skill scales at a very low percentage so that when it's maxed at whatever level that may be, it acts like a normal race with 20-30 levels.

I realize that this might take some time to adjust for the different percentages, scaling etc.


(Can use any gun as normally)

<Race Name>

100 levels, 5 skills

1: Drug/shake/banish/distort (scale at 0.2% per level. So when it reaches level 100, it has a 20% chance to proc.

2: Speed (scale at 0.4% per level. 1.4 speed at level 100 (a number of races has 1.4 speed))

3: Poison (Scale at 0.2% per level, same as drug/shake/banish/distort)

4: Enemy freezes when he shoots you (Scales at whatever time so that the higher the level the longer they are frozen)

5: Heal (Scales at 1 hp per 5 levels. 100 = 20 HP every X seconds that is appropriate)

The skills could be completely different, those were just some that popped into my head that would make it an ok race when/IF (right..) it's maxed.

My 2c.


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That reminds me of Dunpeal way to much. If that race is gonna have speed,freeze,poison,hp and drug/banish etc it would be WAAAY to op.

If you wan't those skills, remove the hp for hmm idk, maybe just like entangling roots, and don't give it any hp powerups

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Having a low impact high level max race would be a good addition to the WCS servers, rather then a replacement for CSS PRO

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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Mind╥Spring @ May 5 2009, 04:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

Having a low impact high level max race would be a good addition to the WCS servers, rather then a replacement for CSS PRO

There is allready Gay Man, and when you have that maxed it's uber op.

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Gray man's proc hits you for 50 at max at whatever per cent the chance is, which is half your health. The skills in my EXAMPLE don't deal damage (except for poison but I'm thinking the damage over time poison, not the instant +dmg poison) and their proc rates aren't supposed to be very high.

Keep in mind it's just a very rough example. It could be 5000 levels really, as long as it takes use of WCS skills and any gun you like. But coding for 5000 levels would take forever.

I don't like gray man because you're limited to the mac10 and the mediocre pistol. And when you're playing it you're only hoping for either a random headshot or a damage proc.

Also like mind spring said, it may just be a low impact race instead of a direct replacement (we know how much you love your CSS Pro Space :P) which is not supposed to be maxed out unless you play it like every day non stop for 10 years.

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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Perk @ May 5 2009, 11:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

Gray man's proc hits you for 50 at max at whatever per cent the chance is, which is half your health. The skills in my EXAMPLE don't deal damage (except for poison but I'm thinking the damage over time poison, not the instant +dmg poison) and their proc rates aren't supposed to be very high.

Keep in mind it's just a very rough example. It could be 5000 levels really, as long as it takes use of WCS skills and any gun you like. But coding for 5000 levels would take forever.

I don't like gray man because you're limited to the mac10 and the mediocre pistol. And when you're playing it you're only hoping for either a random headshot or a damage proc.

Also like mind spring said, it may just be a low impact race instead of a direct replacement (we know how much you love your CSS Pro Space :P) which is not supposed to be maxed out unless you play it like every day non stop for 10 years.

As I said in the other thread I really like this idea.

Grayman is cool and all but, when you max the race it borders on OP if your Pro spray mac10.

I'd like something with alot of levels like CSSpro but, that when it's maxed it just turns out to be a decent race nothing OP

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I made a race and gave it to sandman along the lines of this. level 200. 4 skills, 50 levels each. I could make it 100 levels each (just have to change a little here and there). I'm not sure if it's working completely right, but it gets a M4 on spawn with up to 80 bullets, when you kill someone you get a 50% chance to refill your bullets up to 80 clip (anything before this and it will give you w/e level you have even if its less than what you have. So if you have 80 clip and level 1 blood bullets, when you kill someone you will get 31 bullets instead of 80. 30% gravity and a 3 second cooldown teleport that i think is the same as clockwork. Again, these could be changed to balance it better, but it was a rough idea and it doesnt seem like it was going to get put in so I stopped tinkering with it.

   "name"    "Noire, The Space Cowboy"

    "author"    "Noire"

    "short description"    "Bounty Hunter From the Centaurus A Galaxy"

    "required_level"    "3000"

    "maximum_level"    "0"

    "allow_only"    "0"

    "teamlimit"        "1"

    "preloadcmd"    "0"

    "player_spawn_cmd"    "0"

    "round_start_cmd"    "0"

    "round_end_cmd"    "0"

    "numberofskills"    "4"

    "numberoflevels"    "50"

    "skillnames"    "Extended Space Clip|Blood Bullets|Moon Jump|Compressed Air Pack"

    "skilldescr"    "A Space Cowboy's modified Clip|Create Bullets from the Blood of your victims|Your body mass make your lighter on planet Earth|Launch yourself into space!"

    "skillcfg"        "player_spawn|player_attacker|player_spawn|player_ultimate"

    "skill1_setting"    "es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 31;es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 50|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 32;es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 51|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 33;es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 52|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 34;es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 53|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 35;es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 54|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 36;es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 55|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 37;es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 56|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 38;es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 57|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 39;es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 58|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 40;es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 59|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 41;es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 60|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 42;es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 61|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 43;es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 62|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 44;es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 63|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 45;es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 64|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 46;es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 65|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 47;es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 66|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 48;es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 67|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 49;es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 68|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 50;es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 69|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 51;es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 70|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 52;es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 71|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 53;es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 72|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 54;es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 73|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 55;es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 74|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 56;es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 75|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 57;es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 76|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 58;es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 77|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 59;es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 78|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 60;es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 79|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 61;es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 80|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 62;es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 81|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 63;es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 82|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 64;es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 83|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 65;es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 84|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 66;es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 85|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 67;es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 86|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 68;es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 87|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 69;es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 88|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 70;es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 89|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 71;es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 90|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 72;es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 91|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 73;es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 92|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 74;es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 93|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 75;es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 94|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 76;es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 95|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 77;es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 96|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 78;es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 97|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 79;es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 98|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 80;es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 99"

    "skill1_cmd"        "es es_xif (server_var(wcs_dice) <= server_var(wcs_chance)) then racealias_Noire11"

    "racealias_Noire11"    "es es_cexec event_var(userid) r_screenoverlay effects/mh_blood1.vmt;es_delayed 0.1 es_cexec event_var(userid) r_screenoverlay effects/mh_blood2.vmt;es_delayed 0.3 es_cexec event_var(userid) r_screenoverlay effects/mh_blood3.vmt;es_delayed 0.5 es_cexec event_var(userid) r_screenoverlay effects/mh_blood1.vmt;es_delayed 0.6 es_cexec event_var(userid) r_screenoverlay effects/mh_blood2.vmt;es_delayed 0.8 es_cexec event_var(userid) r_screenoverlay effects/mh_blood2.vmt;es_delayed 0.9 es_cexec event_var(userid) r_screenoverlay 0;racealias_Noire21"

    "racealias_Noire21"    "es es_delayed 1 est_give event_var(userid) weapon_m4a1;es es_delayed 1.1 est_setclipammo event_var(userid) 1 server_var(wcs_ammo);es es_xtell event_var(userid) you spawned a M4A1 with a server_var(wcs_ammo) clip"

    "skill1_sfx"        "es es_xgetplayerlocation wcs_x1 wcs_y1 wcs_z1 event_var(userid);es_xmath wcs_z1 + 40;es est_effect 10 #a 0 sprites/physring1.vmt server_var(wcs_x1) server_var(wcs_y1) server_var(wcs_z1) 20 100 3 40 20 0 14 0 41 255 5"

    "skill2_setting"    "es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 31|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 32|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 33|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 34|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 35|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 36|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 37|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 38|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 39|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 40|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 41|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 42|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 43|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 44|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 45|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 46|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 47|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 48|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 49|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 50|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 51|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 52|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 53|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 54|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 55|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 56|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 57|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 58|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 59|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 60|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 61|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 62|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 63|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 64|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 65|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 66|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 67|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 68|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 69|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 70|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 71|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 72|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 73|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 74|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 75|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 76|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 77|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 78|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 79|es_xsetinfo wcs_ammo 80"

    "skill2_cmd"        "es est_gethealth wcs_tmp event_var(userid);es es_xif(event_var(health) = 0) then es es_xif (event_var(weapon) = m4a1) then  racealias_Noire22;es est_gethealth wcs_tmp event_var(userid);es es_xif(event_var(health) = 0) then es es_xif (event_var(weapon) = m4a1) then  racealias_Noire32;es est_gethealth wcs_tmp event_var(userid);es es_xif(event_var(health) = 0) then es es_xif (event_var(weapon) = m4a1) then  racealias_Noire42;es est_gethealth wcs_tmp event_var(userid);es es_xif(event_var(health) = 0) then racealias_Noire12"

    "racealias_Noire42"    "es es_xif (server_var(wcs_dice) <= 50) then es est_healthadd event_var(attacker) 15;es es_xif (server_var(wcs_dice) >= 50) then es est_speed event_var(attacker) 1.4;es es_xif (server_var(wcs_dice) <= 50) then es_xtell event_var(attacker) you have gained 15 hp;es es_xif (server_var(wcs_dice) >= 50) then es_xtell evnt_var(attacker) you have gained speed"

    "racealias_Noire12"    "es es_cexec event_var(attacker) r_screenoverlay effects/mh_blood1.vmt;es_delayed 0.1 es_cexec event_var(attacker) r_screenoverlay effects/mh_blood2.vmt;es_delayed 0.3 es_cexec event_var(attacker) r_screenoverlay effects/mh_blood3.vmt;es_delayed 0.5 es_cexec event_var(attacker) r_screenoverlay effects/mh_blood1.vmt;es_delayed 0.6 es_cexec event_var(attacker) r_screenoverlay effects/mh_blood2.vmt;es_delayed 0.8 es_cexec event_var(attacker) r_screenoverlay effects/mh_blood2.vmt;es_delayed 0.9 es_cexec event_var(attacker) r_screenoverlay 0"

    "racealias_Noire32"    "es est_dropweapon event_var(attacker) 1;es est_give event_var(attacker) weapon_m4a1;es est_setclipammo event_var(attacker) 1 server_var(wcs_ammo);es es_xtell event_var(attacker) you spawned an m4a1 with a server_var(wcs_ammo) clip"

    "racealias_Noire22"    "es est_dropweapon event_var(attacker) 1;es est_give event_var(attacker) weapon_m4a1;es est_setclipammo event_var(attacker) 1 server_var(wcs_ammo);es es_xtell event_var(attacker) you spawned an m4a1 with a server_var(wcs_ammo) clip"

    "skill2_sfx"        "0"

    "skill3_setting"    "es_xsetinfo wcs_gravity 0.99|es_xsetinfo wcs_gravity 0.98|es_xsetinfo wcs_gravity 0.97|es_xsetinfo wcs_gravity 0.96|es_xsetinfo wcs_gravity 0.95|es_xsetinfo wcs_gravity 0.94|es_xsetinfo wcs_gravity 0.93|es_xsetinfo wcs_gravity 0.92|es_xsetinfo wcs_gravity 0.91|es_xsetinfo wcs_gravity 0.85|es_xsetinfo wcs_gravity 0.84|es_xsetinfo wcs_gravity 0.83|es_xsetinfo wcs_gravity 0.82|es_xsetinfo wcs_gravity 0.81|es_xsetinfo wcs_gravity 0.80|es_xsetinfo wcs_gravity 0.79|es_xsetinfo wcs_gravity 0.78|es_xsetinfo wcs_gravity 0.77|es_xsetinfo wcs_gravity 0.76|es_xsetinfo wcs_gravity 0.75|es_xsetinfo wcs_gravity 0.70|es_xsetinfo wcs_gravity 0.69|es_xsetinfo wcs_gravity 0.68|es_xsetinfo wcs_gravity 0.67|es_xsetinfo wcs_gravity 0.66|es_xsetinfo wcs_gravity 0.65|es_xsetinfo wcs_gravity 0.64|es_xsetinfo wcs_gravity 0.63|es_xsetinfo wcs_gravity 0.62|es_xsetinfo wcs_gravity 0.61|es_xsetinfo wcs_gravity 0.60|es_xsetinfo wcs_gravity 0.55|es_xsetinfo wcs_gravity 0.54|es_xsetinfo wcs_gravity 0.53|es_xsetinfo wcs_gravity 0.52|es_xsetinfo wcs_gravity 0.51|es_xsetinfo wcs_gravity 0.50|es_xsetinfo wcs_gravity 0.45|es_xsetinfo wcs_gravity 0.44|es_xsetinfo wcs_gravity 0.43|es_xsetinfo wcs_gravity 0.42|es_xsetinfo wcs_gravity 0.41|es_xsetinfo wcs_gravity 0.40|es_xsetinfo wcs_gravity 0.39|es_xsetinfo wcs_gravity 0.38|es_xsetinfo wcs_gravity 0.37|es_xsetinfo wcs_gravity 0.36|es_xsetinfo wcs_gravity 0.35|es_xsetinfo wcs_gravity 0.33|es_xsetinfo wcs_gravity 0.30"

    "skill3_cmd"        "es es_xdelayed 2 est_SetGravity event_var(userid) server_var(wcs_gravity);es es_xkeysetvalue WCSuserdata event_var(userid) gravity server_var(wcs_gravity);wcs_getlanguage wcs_lng wcs_lng_r_levitation;es es_xtell event_var(userid) #multi server_var(wcs_lng)"

    "skill3_sfx"        "es es_xgetplayerlocation wcs_x1 wcs_y1 wcs_z1 event_var(userid);es est_Effect 10 #a 0 sprites/lgtning.vmt server_var(wcs_x1) server_var(wcs_y1) server_var(wcs_z1) 20 50 2 60 100 0.8 0 20 100 255 1"

    "skill4_setting"    "es_xsetinfo wcs_range 600;es_xsetinfo wcs_fadetimer 0|es_xsetinfo wcs_range 620;es_xsetinfo wcs_fadetimer 0|es_xsetinfo wcs_range 640;es_xsetinfo wcs_fadetimer 0|es_xsetinfo wcs_range 660;es_xsetinfo wcs_fadetimer 0|es_xsetinfo wcs_range 680;es_xsetinfo wcs_fadetimer 0|es_xsetinfo wcs_range 700;es_xsetinfo wcs_fadetimer 0|es_xsetinfo wcs_range 720;es_xsetinfo wcs_fadetimer 0|es_xsetinfo wcs_range 740;es_xsetinfo wcs_fadetimer 0|es_xsetinfo wcs_range 760;es_xsetinfo wcs_fadetimer 0|es_xsetinfo wcs_range 780;es_xsetinfo wcs_fadetimer 0|es_xsetinfo wcs_range 800;es_xsetinfo wcs_fadetimer 0|es_xsetinfo wcs_range 820;es_xsetinfo wcs_fadetimer 0|es_xsetinfo wcs_range 840;es_xsetinfo wcs_fadetimer 0|es_xsetinfo wcs_range 860;es_xsetinfo wcs_fadetimer 0|es_xsetinfo wcs_range 880;es_xsetinfo wcs_fadetimer 0|es_xsetinfo wcs_range 900;es_xsetinfo wcs_fadetimer 0|es_xsetinfo wcs_range 920;es_xsetinfo wcs_fadetimer 0|es_xsetinfo wcs_range 940;es_xsetinfo wcs_fadetimer 0|es_xsetinfo wcs_range 960;es_xsetinfo wcs_fadetimer 0|es_xsetinfo wcs_range 980;es_xsetinfo wcs_fadetimer 0|es_xsetinfo wcs_range 1000;es_xsetinfo wcs_fadetimer 0|es_xsetinfo wcs_range 1020;es_xsetinfo wcs_fadetimer 0|es_xsetinfo wcs_range 1040;es_xsetinfo wcs_fadetimer 0|es_xsetinfo wcs_range 1060;es_xsetinfo wcs_fadetimer 0|es_xsetinfo wcs_range 1080;es_xsetinfo wcs_fadetimer 0|es_xsetinfo wcs_range 1100;es_xsetinfo wcs_fadetimer 0|es_xsetinfo wcs_range 1120;es_xsetinfo wcs_fadetimer 0|es_xsetinfo wcs_range 1140;es_xsetinfo wcs_fadetimer 0|es_xsetinfo wcs_range 1160;es_xsetinfo wcs_fadetimer 0|es_xsetinfo wcs_range 1180;es_xsetinfo wcs_fadetimer 0|es_xsetinfo wcs_range 1200;es_xsetinfo wcs_fadetimer 0|es_xsetinfo wcs_range 1220;es_xsetinfo wcs_fadetimer 0|es_xsetinfo wcs_range 1240;es_xsetinfo wcs_fadetimer 0|es_xsetinfo wcs_range 1260;es_xsetinfo wcs_fadetimer 0|es_xsetinfo wcs_range 1280;es_xsetinfo wcs_fadetimer 0|es_xsetinfo wcs_range 1300;es_xsetinfo wcs_fadetimer 0|es_xsetinfo wcs_range 1320;es_xsetinfo wcs_fadetimer 0|es_xsetinfo wcs_range 1340;es_xsetinfo wcs_fadetimer 0|es_xsetinfo wcs_range 1360;es_xsetinfo wcs_fadetimer 0|es_xsetinfo wcs_range 1380;es_xsetinfo wcs_fadetimer 0|es_xsetinfo wcs_range 1400;es_xsetinfo wcs_fadetimer 0|es_xsetinfo wcs_range 1420;es_xsetinfo wcs_fadetimer 0|es_xsetinfo wcs_range 1440;es_xsetinfo wcs_fadetimer 0|es_xsetinfo wcs_range 1460;es_xsetinfo wcs_fadetimer 0|es_xsetinfo wcs_range 1480;es_xsetinfo wcs_fadetimer 0|es_xsetinfo wcs_range 1500;es_xsetinfo wcs_fadetimer 0|es_xsetinfo wcs_range 1520;es_xsetinfo wcs_fadetimer 0|es_xsetinfo wcs_range 1540;es_xsetinfo wcs_fadetimer 0|es_xsetinfo wcs_range 1560;es_xsetinfo wcs_fadetimer 0|es_xsetinfo wcs_range 1600;es_xsetinfo wcs_fadetimer 0"

    "skill4_cmd"        "es_xdoblock wcs/WCSultimates/wcs_ulti_teleport"

    "skill4_sfx"        "es es_xgetplayerlocation wcs_x1 wcs_y1 wcs_z1 server_var(wcs_userid);es est_effect 7 #a 0 sprites/smoke.vmt server_var(wcs_x1) server_var(wcs_y1) server_var(wcs_z1) 40 1"

    "ultimate_cooldown" "3"

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The lines are too long. Its a max of 1048(or something like that)

You'll have to make your variables smaller and only use es_set

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Why dont you just make a race with the shop menu items as a reward after putting like 20 points into a skill.

So ONLY after you put 20 points into "claws of attack" you recieve the extra damage.

You would also have to put restrictions on the race so it cant buy attack and defense items

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Pretty much an unlimited ammo race ^^

2nd skill is a bit fritsy... Use player_kill to have a skill run on a kill and some of the other stuff is unessecary and liable to slow things down as well.

Good race but could be coded a little better, lot of unessary expansions. But I like the blood bullets and it's nice to see new skills come about. Seems ok elsewhere but you really will go to space with the ultimate and lowgrav maxed; it would take about 15s to get back to ground XD

I think you'll be the only one to play with lvl 3000 restriction though, a cunning way to get a private race indeed :P

Edit: Also, Hairy Nipon, if you come up with something I'll be happy to make it so.

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